Author Topic: The RP in RPG: Signups  (Read 32182 times)


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The RP in RPG: Signups
« on: December 16, 2005, 08:26:23 pm »
Well I have an idea for a new RP, but it will be more story focused and extremely long.  So I need a list of people who are intrested in joining this little adventure, you'll be required to at least post once a week to so you can keep up.  In this adventure you are within a world of it's own, no Risus, Delta City or other world refrences.  Your characters are adjusted to fit within the world(like in Reboot when Bob and the gang entered a game and their appearance and abilites also adjusted equally, only it's not in a virtual world it for all intent purposes the real world.) So you will have to post what your character is story wise to fit into the plot.  Mets might remember it, it was called Western Sunrise, I'm going to be expanding on it since I didn't think that RP held everything I wanted it the first time.  This thread will be used for signups, remeber you need to list what your new abilites and equip are, and since it will story based it needs to be action oriented, that means no dice rolls are needed for this RP.  The story will start ina  new RP once I know how many people are signed up, at that time this thread will become the OOC(Out of Character) thread for any questions or comments that aren't to be in the main story thread.  Here is a sample of the start of the story to see if your intrested...

It is the age of the Wild West.

The only trusted partners most people have are their revolvers. There is no such thing as crime as there are no such thing as laws in this land. Bandits, Robbers, and Rogues run this land taking what they want and moving freely. But Thier are some who would dare to bring civility and order to this rugged land.

Enter the small town of Ordinace, the first established settlement where people co-exist in peace.  They hope to one day tame this wild land, but for now they only hope to survive until tommorow.  They idea of law doesnot appeal to many of th desert bandits and so the town is constantly under attack.  But a plan was hatched by the townsfolk, to turn the robbers against one another.  How?  A $20,000 bounty on two of the most dangerous of the rogues.

Jack Cougar, and another known only as "Shotgun Grim"  tear apart west wherever they go. Bank robberies, cattle rustling, train robberies...the list goes on and at some point people stopped keeping count so there is no list of just how far their misdeeds go.  They are the most feared of the feared, men run from them, but the smart ones kill themselves before they can get to him.
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Re: The RP in RPG: Signups
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2005, 08:48:56 pm »
I'm totally in. Sounds like fun.
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Re: The RP in RPG: Signups
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2005, 09:01:50 pm »
Name: The Gunstar Hero, Armature.

Main employ: Bounty hunting.

Physical Description: Armature stands about six foot. He wears blue jeans, basic cowboy boots and a holster for his belt, which is home to his two Firebolt revolvers. Under his poncho he wears a simple white shirt. The poncho he wears is a design of orange, black and yellow. Over that he has the sling for his Carbine Rifle. He also has a pair of black gloves. And his sombrero too is orange, yellow and black, but somehow it constantly obscures his face in shadow, even when he looks up towards the sun.

Mental Description: Armature, the self-styled Gunstar Hero, is a very proud man. He can embarrass very easily and will not talk about 'the wrong bounty'. And I'll think on this laterrrrr.

History: The Gunstar Hero was famous in another state, an excellent bounty hunter and fastest rider around. Then he hunted the wrong bounty and was run out of the state. Now in this new region he has to rebuild his rep and the quickest way to do that is capture Jack and Grim alive.

Inventory: Two Firebolt Revolvers. One Carbine Rifle. Orange, yellow and black poncho and sombrero.

Misc: Armature lost his horse when he hopped on that train so he has to buy or steal a new one, he's also rather penniless at the moment and without a place to stay seeing as he just arrived.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2005, 10:02:14 pm by ClickOutMets »
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Re: The RP in RPG: Signups
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2005, 09:18:42 pm »
Yep, mr. Armature has the idea.

everything you should need is listed on his sheet to be filled out.
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Re: The RP in RPG: Signups
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2005, 09:51:23 pm »
Name: Michael Sullivan

Alias: The Buzzard

Physical: Michael can't be described physically, seeing as his entire identity is hidden so that he can't be identified unless he wants to be. He wears a black widebrim hat, a red bandana over his mouth, a black coat that conceals his weapons. At 6'3", he definetly has the look of a man you wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley.

Mental: Personality-wise, Michael isn't very social, preffering to keep to himself instead of talkng with others. He's really antisocial.

History: Being a mercenary, Michael's history is very much shrouded in mystery, seeing as his past might cause conflicts with his employers. Efficiency wise, he'll get a job done faster than most would, but quality wise, you'll probably end up with a lot more people dead than you'd want.

Inventory: 2 Revolvers, a crapload of extra ammo, and a dagger concealed in his right sleeve.

Misc: Michael also rides a horse, giving him the advantage of speed when it's needed. He is also completely broke after a streak of unemployment via bad reputation, after his last employer died in very shady circumstances that seem to have involved him.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2005, 10:59:53 pm by Buzzard »
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Re: The RP in RPG: Signups
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2005, 10:03:32 pm »
I'm in, Frank, I'm in.

Name: William Turk

Main Employ: Ranger/Author

Physical Description: William Turk, standing at about 5'10", is a stockily built fellow. He wears a loose grey shirt and cotton pants under a white overcoat. When in town, he sports a silver-belly Bailey hat. Although he's only in his thirties, his long hair and short beard are already beginning to turn gray. His face is a singular one, with high cheekbones, angular eyebrows, and bright green eyes. He keeps himself in good hygiene, so he is always clean and his hair is neatly trimmed.

Personal Description: An attentive person, William listens to what people have to say, though he doesn't speak a great deal himself. He is a gentleman and is very courteous to women.

History: A former senator, William moved west to escape a scandal which some opponents stirred up around him. He set up a house in the wilderness, whereupon he had to learn to provide for himself. Nowadays, William works as a cartographer and hunter, acting as a courier across the desert on occasion. However, he spends money pretty fast despite his frugal means, and it's no big secret that he supplements his income in other, less legally acceptable, ways.

Inventory: An old Grey Legendary carbine, a dragoon revolver, a Kingfisher crossbow (which he is a formidable shot with) and a satchel containing supplies.

Misc: William rides a horse. He also has a small fortune in the bank.

Also, hello visual inventory.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2006, 06:13:51 pm by Prox »


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Re: The RP in RPG: Signups
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2005, 10:27:57 pm »
Name: Who

Main Employ: Pawn Shop Owner

Description: Businessman and knowledgeable about Wild West technology to a limited extent.
Can operate, understand and repair unorthodox machines, but not make them. But he owns a few
already. This kind of technology falls under the category of real and imaginary technology
made with what is available at the time, gunpowder, steam, etc.

Physical Traits: Average Height Oriental, wears black bowl derby hat, white striped shirt with black bowtie, black pants and suspenders.

Personality Traits: Mellow, and a little too apologetic and humble.

History: His parents originating from Hong Kong, moved to the west for opportunity. Born in the West he has a normal western accent.

Inventory: Whatever is in the pawn shop, guns, ammo, cash, books, antiques, depends on how successful the business is.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2005, 10:31:54 pm by Deck »


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Re: The RP in RPG: Signups
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2005, 01:43:41 am »
I have just a few questions I would like to ask you Garshak.

1. So does that mean this RP will be in a forum topic rather than in the chat?
If yes, then I have another question.
2. What would new abilities be like. Would we have to anounce the ability name or somethin, how would they be impemented? Also if we wanted to have a converation between a NPC and our character would we need to run it by you as the GM.


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Re: The RP in RPG: Signups
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2005, 04:11:07 pm »
1) yes forum topic

2) abilities would be more natural skills, like Aramature can use a gun being a bounty hunter while someone like Deck who isn't used to such things wouldn't be too proficient in them.  But Deck has more experience in machines and metal workings as well as being able to tell certain items value and what not.
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Re: The RP in RPG: Signups
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2005, 01:50:47 pm »
Im in

Name: O'Coner

Alias: The Shadow

Main Employ: Killer for hire

Description: A new one to the ways of assasination, he can sneak around without being noticed.... most of the time. He is 5'9 and wears black trousers, shirt, boots and gloves. He owns an array if formidable weapons which he's found by traveling around the West. Bussines hasen't been good latly for some reason so he has very little money. As an assasion he has the basic skills of the trade: Stealing, lockpicking, etc.

Physical traits: Stealthy, slim, medium build

Personality: Jokeative, laid back, serious (but not much)

History: he learned his skills for his dad and mom, they were both killed by bandits. He then got a job as a Assasion. Once he was quite well known, then he failed to kill the local bar keeps mother in law, now he's just a simple assasion whos rep must be rebuilt, capturing Jack and Grim may be a good way, but he may need some help

Inventory: Cutlass Buttane, Arachan's crossbow (stole it), throwing stars, throwing knifes, custom made Boomstick.

So where do I go fer the thing?

« Last Edit: December 25, 2005, 10:43:32 am by Shadow »


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Re: The RP in RPG: Signups
« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2005, 02:34:27 pm »
Well this sounds like fun so I think I'll join in.

Name: Jonas Kane

Main Employ: Bounties and Poker

Physical Description: About average height and build. Jonas tries to look as nonthreatening and common as possible.

Mental Description: Jonas is all about getting info. He has an aura of charm and likeability around him, and people seem to open up on him sometimes. He'll usually be found at saloons hitting on women, or playing poker with some guys. He makes some money off poker, but usually ends up spending his small profit on the women. The main reason he does both is to get info on bounties he's tracking.  Usually with that info he and his posse will hunt down the bounty. Jonas may be good with people but he's not as good with guns.  He carries around a six shooter and belt of bullets like most cowboys. He's also a bit fast on the draw, but not very accurate, he practiced mostly to discourage any scuffles at the poker table. As a result of his less than stellar gun skills, Jonas looks for other bounty hunters for help in getting the bounty and they would split the take.

I’ll probably work on this a bit more later, I just have to go to stop for a bit because I have to go to work in a couple of minutes.


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Re: The RP in RPG: Signups
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2005, 02:50:53 pm »
Shadow: Read the rest of the topic, it explains everything twice.


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Re: The RP in RPG: Signups
« Reply #12 on: December 20, 2005, 05:47:27 pm »
Alrighty then, ima going to start the game soon, the requirement for the first post is to state where you are and then head on over to the saloon(unless you are starting in the saloon) for all of you to meet and greet and obtain info and what not.  Feel free to embelish the world around you with conversations and descriptions of things.  I'll have control over the people in the bar who have any relevant info, but you can have side non-important trivial disccussions with anyone.
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Re: The RP in RPG: Signups
« Reply #13 on: December 20, 2005, 10:11:07 pm »
Just for clarification, is this set during any specific time, like 1863? Or just a general western time.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2005, 10:16:37 pm by Vito »


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Re: The RP in RPG: Signups
« Reply #14 on: December 21, 2005, 06:15:16 pm »
Its just the general west, most people are aren't educated enough to tell time!  They only know it's noon when their shadow is directly underneath them.  And only the smart ones realize that!
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