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Fybertech Investigation
« on: September 16, 2006, 08:26:44 pm »
Because somebody had to start writing this *stuff* down. It's kind of between a story and a resource manual. I will obviously continue to suppliment it with more detailed 'investigations' on each person, I just kinda wanted to get the ball rolling.


     In the course of my investigations surrounding a one “Jeff ‘FyberOptic’ Bowman.” I’ve come across an incredible array of linked support persons forming a group known as ‘Fybertech.’ Let me first, however, pause for a moment and explain what I’ve found out about mister Bowman himself.
     His young life seems unremarkable, Birth records, health charts, even a driver’s license. He never achieved a high school diploma, and around age 17 is when his story gets interesting. All updates and records stop here, and only with some choice speculation and piecing together a puzzle can we guess what happened. Access to the databanks of one recently bankrupted ‘Arvix Industries’ revealed veiled references to xenotechnology and notes on mister Bowman. It appears likely than one of two things happened: Either he encountered, and left with, sentient aliens, or he became involved in government work on xenotechnology of such secrecy that his identify was left behind for a time. I consider the latter unlikely, due to his relatively low level of official education, and low secrecy afterward. He seems to be a gifted learner in the fields of electronics, mechanics, and various branches of science supporting those aptitudes, but the government usually relies of official schooling over self-teaching ability.
     After this unexplained absence, he suddenly reappears on societies radar with a number of official document renewals, and a number of work records. He appears to be directionless at this point, merely surviving and doing some private tinkering. At this point, I can trace at least one eyewitness who confirms he was working with xenotechnology on occasion.
     After two or three years, he falls off the radar again for a substantial time, putting his advanced technological knowledge to work on a project for a one ‘Professor Maxwell Hazard,’ which is almost assuredly an alias. Mister Hazard is the first person of note in tracing the story of FyberOptic. While I have never found another name to put in place of the Alias, I have decent evidence that he is not a professor of any subject, despite claiming to be an educated expert on crypto-zoology. There is evidence that the man and his running crew (too numerous and detailed to go into here) were fair crypto-zoologist anyway, but nobody matching Maxwell Hazard’s description ever received a degree in Biology or Genetics or similar base degree from any major university I can trace.
     Mister Bowman’s contribution to the project appears to be the construction and maintenance of an aerostatic craft designed to act as a floating mobile laboratory. There are surprisingly few records on any unusual craft in the areas mister Bowman was spotted in during this time, so despite Mister Hazard’s tale of it looking like a propeller bound flying ship, it is far more likely it was simply a blimp like craft. I am looking for more records to support this, but little exists. This period accounts for most of the un-recorded time in FyberOptic’s life, however there are still many eyewitness reports unlike his first two years of being off the grid.
     Eventually, Mister Bowman apparently has a falling out with the ‘professor’ and leaves to pursue his own goals. As this takes us up to only a couple of years back, I have found purchase records for materials used to create what I assume is some kind of dwelling or laboratory. I have not been able to ascertain exactly where this is located, but I have a feeling it is roughly in the Eastern Appalachians, several hours out from the costal metropolis where I am currently writing this report. Except for the construction, this time is unremarkable, like the first time Mister Bowman reappeared on society’s radar. During this time he apparently meets and befriends a “Boris Grant” who shares a similar, if more scholarly and less practiced, aptitude with technology. Boris becomes important to the story only later, so we will focus on the lead up to the Arvix Industries incident.
     At this time, mister Bowman seems to be focused on becoming settled in his residence, building accommodations, personal data equipment, and vehicles. I have been unable to ascertain if he was building toward some purpose, such as a base to return to, or just attempting to make himself a living and working space. What is clear is that he somehow crossed paths with representatives of Arvix who were unhappy with any potential interference. All records of their confrontations have long since been erased from existence by remaining Arvix personnel trying to avoid official trouble.
     What we do know from other records at the time, the records of one Private Investigator Vito and the absence marks at Boris Grant’s university, is that there were several armed conflicts, and abductions. However, through stealth and technological edge, mister Bowman came into information placing Arvix in considerable jeopardy, and was posed to reveal it across official and mass private channels like the internet, should t  hey continue to act against him. Unsurprisingly their company broke down not long after that, out of fear and internal fighting. Boris Grant seems to have been one of the abducted, and his role in the end was unclear. I’m not even sure if ‘Mister Vito’ was involved, as there are two conflicting reports on his location toward the end of the conflict. Things get much clearer after that.
     Apparently the events inspired two things in mister Grant. The first was, upon seeing the Arvix copies of xenotechnology, to begin developing his own Earth versions based on FyberOptic’s originals. FyberOptic apparently remained in control of the ideas and information, as despite one recorded exchange between them at local bar ‘Moondance,’ mister Grant never distributed the ideas to the scientific community, only continued to build his own equipment and ‘discovered’ a spare property close to modern science now and then. The second, and more profound, was the proposal of a venture between him and FyberOptic to prevent another Arvix incident by coordinating any similarly minded people versed in a growing field Grant referred to as ‘supertechnology.’
     The association name ‘Fybertech’ refers roughly to this group of persons, and I will go into detail as I can support on all the members. It should be noted that Fybertech isn’t limited to those with access to super science or technology. P.I. Vito seems to be a recurring member of the group for his investigative skills, and frankly, downright luck when it comes to confrontations.
     Two members seem to be using relatively recent technology too: A biker by the name of Mike “Buzzard” Daniels. He only appears to use a modified motorcycle and gun of rather mundane origin, but is a regular. Also a self-styled urban ninja by the name of “David ‘Shadow’ Green.” who uses pair of ‘energy claws’ which use high resistance to create great heat on a small area.
     People who fit the bill to the letter more are Deckar “Deck” Walson, An expert on genetics who appears to have a background with another illegal supertechnology organization and exhibits the ability to supplement his natural strength with one animal ability at a time. I have been unable to identify the exact nature of how he switches which animal he augments with, but it appears to take at least a day to switch over. Also, there is  Jason “Bluejay” (sometimes just “Jay”) Raynes, who appears to have invented his own branch of supertechnology with a device to control air movement and flow, allowing him to, among other things, fly and knock foes over with gusts. There are surely others, and as time goes on, I will attempt to document and record them all.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2006, 09:29:05 pm by Boris »
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Re: Fybertech Investigation
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2006, 10:29:51 pm »

Now that you have a rough feeling as to the organization’s founder and history, I will attempt to provide some detail on the individual members, starting with the titular FyberOptic again. Mister Bowman’s technology seems to come mainly from his first disappearance at the age of 17. Time and modifications have taken their toll, and his equipment seems to be down to an earthly proportionate power level, but it is still capable of applying that power in incredibly unique ways.
     His token device for both offense and defense, as well as any number of miscellaneous situations seems to be a piece of xenotechnology called HEAT. The information in Arvix’s databanks has one matching acronym “Holographic Energy Appropriation Tool.” Based on the few uses I’ve heard about from either eyewitnesses or Arvix fallouts are that this is a modular weapon and armor system designed to create changing weapons and armor for the situation needed. I feel a parallel is needed: Imagine if the Green Lantern’s Ring if it were capable of creating real full color projections, and not just one, but whatever was needed, streams for both a holo-sword and body armor, say. Now make it about the size of a small gauntlet, worn on the hand. Now assume it can also create non-physical Star Trek like holograms if the situation calls for it. It’s an incredible tool really, if these reports are accurate.
     Arvix either had lesser versions or were attempting to duplicate the technology with minimal success, as I’ve found some power gauntlets bearing the same name but with no such ‘hard light’ ability, only boosted strength and minor holographics.
     Mister Bowman himself seems to be somewhat averse to fighting, and with no real training, it is more often than not only in a last ditch effort that he confronts directly, as more than one Arvix guard attests. Oddly, this sets the tone for Fybertech’s other members, even then ones with more training or more combat oriented technology. It’s easy to look at Fybertech as a sort of vigilante justice group, but the fact is they would probably lose a direct confrontation with almost any organization. Thanks perhaps to mister Bowman’s principals they keep to themselves and avoid fighting things out whenever possible. What is odd is I have never seen them actually declare any stated purpose; they don’t seem to be out for scientific gain, money, or fame. I can only assume FyberOptic’s hermit goals have influenced the rest of them.
     Speaking of money, mister Bowman doesn’t make much. As far as I can tell from records, (purchases and sales,) he makes only a moderate income tinkering and repairing objects, trading them to scrap yards in exchange for parts he needs to tinker more. The fact that his greatest devices are rooted in xenotechnology does not mean he hasn’t become extremely prodigious at putting together earth technology to suit his needs. Unlike mister Boris Grant, he does not combing or replicate xenotechnology. He works on earth and alien technology separately and with equal care for both.
     As previously mentioned, I can’t track exactly where Fyber lives. Based on what I know, it’s probably hidden with a HEAT system, or something equivalent. Given his use of the original system toward the end of the Arvix incident, I suspect that one of the Arvix knockoffs, or a supertechnology version manufactured by Boris Grant is now the cloaking device for the dwelling. Based on technological purchase records, I also surmise this dwelling has a fair amount of science and research equipment, mostly computers, but some tools. Therefore, given that and a few choice conversations I have captured, I’ll refer to it as the ‘Fybertech Laboratory’ or just ‘Lab’ from now on.
     I look forward to learning more about mister Bowman through the expanding number of Fybertech contacts. I suspect something will eventually leak allowing me to fill in my suppositions with names, dates, and hard data. For now, he will simply have to remain the group’s enigmatic de facto leader.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2006, 09:29:12 pm by Boris »
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Re: Fybertech Investigation
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2006, 09:31:19 pm »
I tried not to have an ego wank and write this both fair to the character and without knowing too much, but I can't stop thinking as Boris, send help~ Next time: Vito

     Mister Boris Grant is perhaps the easiest person in the entire organization to trace, and appears to be a front for their ‘on the grid’ proceedings these days as well as their one outlet to the learned scientific community in general. From captured conversations at ‘Moondance’ I’ve determined him to be the most likely to leak any information, and subsequent investigations will pry details on the others from his musings, I hope.
     Mister Bowman apparently met him before the Arvix incident, and seems to value his opinion a fair amount. Only once or twice have I ever witnessed or recorded an outright argument between them, usually based on how much of something to reveal. While Bowman thinks with a seclusion and secrecy approach, Grant sees science and business opportunities in everything.
     On that note, mister Grant appears to, as well as being the public front, be the money behind the group. It was originally his purchasing power that attracted P.I. Vito, and his cash flow that maintains some of the larger equipment, like vehicles. He has at least one small business venture that appears to be making profitable returns, but the majority of the cash comes from siphoning off his college fund, a source that will assuredly run out. Still, his academic credentials and business sense put him in a position to be the group’s large legitimate earner in the future.
     Mister Grant himself is nothing remarkable, and aside from his college education and vigor for technology, has no interesting story to relate. His records are all easily attainable, and most of the story I’ve pieced together on Fybertech comes from records at the local university he attends. More importantly however, I’ve found that he keeps an electronic journal. The encryption is rather heavy, and It takes me significant resources to unlock small parts, however, as his computer is not as well protected as he assumes, I’ll be able to continue downloading the updates, and have unlimited time to work on it.
     The journal is remarkable for keeping not only anecdotal accounts on Fybertech, but detailed private technical work. I can safely say I know more about his technology than that of anybody else in the group (Aside from Vito, who uses no advanced technologies.) The schematics are somewhat beyond my technical expertise, and the expert I brought in can only give me parallels on how some of the components actually work, however the overall picture is usually clear.
     Mister Grant favors traps and range, and he runs rather than engaging directly. As far as I can tell from the schematics and interpretation, his most worked on piece of supertechnology appears to be a railgun. The idea is nothing remarkable, but the fact he can generate enough power in a small portable design is quite something. The components are almost assuredly based on something from FyberOptic’s xenotech originals. I almost never observe him moving his equipment though, except when directly testing or taking it out of town, presumably to FyberOptic for discussion. It appears his interest lies in the academic, marking a contrast to Bowman’s practical approach.
      By himself, he does not seem to be much of a threat, even with his supertech tools. Unlike Bowman, who when pressed, can get creative, Grant has to take his time to formulate plans and ideas. A marked slow approach to how to get out of a situation has him usually deferring to FyberOptic. I believe submitting based on speed alone is what keeps the two from clashing over leadership, as Grant seems otherwise rather power driven.
     Concluding on Grant for now, he is my best bet for a future window into the organization, and based on the data, it seems he will eventually be a public force to be reckoned with too. Based on his standing work relationship to Bowman, it’s likely that he won’t associate this with Fybertech, and will merely continue to help the group as a partner even if he achieves public success with his own ventures.
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Re: Fybertech Investigation
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2006, 10:14:28 am »
(In before 'no dad, no!')

     In a marked contrast, the most difficult investigation (and as a personal aside, the most rewarding) is that of private investigator Vito. As the only one capable of possibly detecting my investigations, I have to exercise discretion around him and his records. It was easy to obtain business records on his investigation agency are matters of public record, as well as the loans from local barkeep ‘Morris’ of the aforementioned ‘Moondance.’ His bar tab is a record of legend, if useless in this investigation. He also generally keeps case files, and I have broken in before to read his notes, which are usually veiled when referring to Fybertech. They are some help, but I can’t really obtain them because he would immediately suspect foul play. I have copies of some of the more important ones.
     Despite running an apparently profitable agency, Vito seems rather crushed with debt to Morris Manning of the Moondance. It’s likely any good returns he makes are owed to his huge tab and debts. While he has seen more money since his time running with Fybertech, it’s but a small dent in what he owes, and it’s likely he’ll have to be paying for the rest of his adult life. Fortunately for him, Morris seems to be in no hurry, as I’ve never seen a collection agency involved.
     Vito’s past is, and this is hard to admit honestly, something of a mystery. His private records never refer to himself as anything but ‘Vito,’ as do the business records he’s signed. Morris Manning seems oddly undisturbed by this. I have taken guesses, based on his coming to the city at approximately age 18, and assuming his moniker is really his first name, unfortunately, this leaves me with no fewer than three possible backgrounds, and I will only tell what is common between them. It is likely Vito is at least a high school graduate, with a small family from the South. I’m hoping eventually a change of heart inspires some kind of need to contact home at some point, as I do with to further my knowledge of his background.
     Vito’s more recent past, once he comes to the city, befriends mister Manning and establishes his agency is more clear. He seems to be quite experienced at dealing with cases like the Arvix incident. Among the better-known questionable companies he’s been involved in investigating are Dalewright Corporation International and Turner Transcontinental. In neither case did he receive nearly so much credit as he was owed. However, the experience he gained is clear, and it’s his investigational ability that makes him a useful and recurring member to Fybertech.
     Vito Eschews the use of firearms in a MacGyver like way, citing in one of his reports that he has ‘never yet been in a situation where taking a life is the best course of action.’ I think he may own a firearm in his office, but likely he hopes to never use it. Rather, he exercised the Fybertech method of avoiding fights when possible, being an expert and jumping and ducking and dodging. There is at least one detailed report of his escape from Arvix goons in this manner. He seems more capable than most of the Fybertech regulars of taking abuse, and has above average martial skill for the group too. He lacks the trademark hi-tech equipment of the group except for an unusual knack for throwing enemies off balance by throwing his key ring at them, seems to prefer his unarmed status, relying on stealth and contacts to avoid danger.
     His connection to Fybertech is not his most lucrative job, but he keeps himself a regular either due to enjoying the work or because he is receiving some kind of non-monetary compensation from them. Its possible Fybertech’s lab has some kind of advanced data receiving capability, which would certainly help them in other jobs. A quid pro quo exchange would make sense too. It’s likely a combination of the two reasons however, as recorded conversations between him and Morris state fairly amiable relations between him and Bowman.
     For now, it will do that I have a fair amount of modern info on Vito, and his records will continue to be a good source of information provided he doesn’t realize I’m on to them. Having to exercise so much caution in tracking or monitoring him for fear of being detected myself, too much of my work here is based on speculation, and I hope in the future to be able to achieve hard data on the man and his history.
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Re: Fybertech Investigation
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2006, 05:26:15 pm »
Whos next


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Re: Fybertech Investigation
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2006, 10:48:29 pm »
You, bizzarely enough.
Well that and some other stuff, but you take what you can get

     These three men form the core of the Fybertech organization, and already their differences should give you some feel for how loosely organized the organization really seems. At this point, they appear to be united only by a common goal and a friendly sharing of resources. Accepting more members never seemed to be on the initial agenda of the group, but as the following evidence shows, furthering their cause and adding personnel became one in the same.
     David ‘Shadow’ Green first appeared in the city several years ago, sporting nothing but a rather unique homemade set of claw gloves and the clothes on his back. At the time, the gloves were powered by a series of batteries on his person, and essentially they superheated the high resistance ‘claws’ when a circuit engaged. The point of interest for these weapons is that the heat should melt the material and burn out. These are clearly examples of mister Grant-like supertechnology, and it is unknown how Shadow came by them.  Shadow lacked a residence, and didn’t fill out any records of note, apparently preferring or being unable to stop living on the underbelly of society. To date, he has no official address, apparently living in a slowly developed cave in a river embankment, based on street repots.
     Most of his initial use to Fybertech is recorded in two entries. An anecdotal entry by Boris labled ‘Shadows of Arvix’ and a case File by Vito labled ‘G.O.B.L.I.N.’ which apparently stands for “Genius Organization Building Leaps In Neotechnology.” Based on this and some hastily extracted information from the right street rats, GOBLIN appears to be a real underground organization based in the remnants of Arvix Inc. and Turner Transcontinental. I could spend an entire report on Goblin itself, but it suffices to say they are something of an anti-thesis to Fybertech: They exist for self-gain, would probably win direct confrontations with overpowering force, and have no moral qualms on illegal and public use of advanced technology.
     Shadow encountered mister Grant by chance near the university grounds and his claw gloves piqued Grant’s interest enough that he stopped to ask him about them. I don’t actually have the exchange from that event, but I do have a recording of Grant’s request to P.I. Vito for a background check immediately following it. Vito’s file on shadow has since gone missing, presumably it was sent to Fyberoptic as a piece of private Fybertech business rather than evidence used in Vito’s business. My private records checking, including a missing persons report and school ID, hold that mister Green is originally from the Midwest and doesn’t posses the education necessary to build the tools he uses. I am unable to determine at this time if Shadow ran away from home or was taken and doesn’t remember for some reason. The missing persons report was labeled as rescinded later, but I have been unable to contact the initial issuer, a mister ‘Alan Green.’
     As Shadow was wandering the city without direction at this point, it isn’t surprising he happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. The following is from mister Grant’s journal, which says it more succinctly than I can. “So we had been tracking the tech-monster all week. It pops up to break into the West Convention Center tech expo that night. I was just going to watch and see what it was after, hoping to get some info on those guys. Suddenly, the guy from earlier comes running out and slices into the thing with those odd gloves. The thing goes reeling, but knocks him off like 20 feet. He’s lucky he landed flat on his back. I issued a couple of rail slugs into its control unit and it goes running off to avoid further damage. The mission is a wash, but I have a new idea.”
A stop light camera I was able to get a capture from holds him and Shadow exiting town in his vehicle, presumably to visit Bowman’s lab. The rest comes from Vito’s information notes, which mention he got an informant into Goblin. Based on Shadow’s ability to being making purchases after this, I assume he entered their pay. G.O.B.L.I.N. collapsed for a time, a few months later, but has since reorganized and reappeared.
     Meanwhile, mister Green continues to eek out a living and work on building his dwelling. Presumably, based on purchases made through Grant, it now has an artificial interior, services, and a guard against the river outside flooding. I now have records of him doing odd jobs in town as well as his occasionally receiving compensation from Grant for Fybertech work.
Opposed to defensive and ranged styles of most of Fybertech, Shadow makes a decidedly melee approach, based on his glove weapons. From mister Grant’s entry, it seems he may make a decidedly rushed approach to fights, running in before sizing up and potentially getting beaten in many cases. Helping him are reports by those he’s fought of unusual agility, dodging and delivering blows at speeds matched only potentially by Vito. He seems incapable of absorbing much abuse though, and relies on a fiery first strike approach to win fight. Thus he has worked on his stealth in Fybertech fashion, and styles himself something of a ‘ninja.’
     His past is a mystery I’m still working on unraveling, and while there are pieces available, I haven’t quite made a whole picture of it yet. His connection and use to Fybertech are fairly obvious as a ready fighter and spy. The particulars are not as interesting to me as Bowman or Vito’s, but as all parts are important to the complete investigation of Fybertech, I will continue to work on his file.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2006, 11:13:57 pm by Boris »
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Re: Fybertech Investigation
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2006, 12:43:55 am »
Buzzards was a hair short, I just ran out of backstory and things to say, I'm sorryyyyyyyyy~

     Generally when I refer to the intelligence of a member of Fybertech, I am speaking of their technical academic prowess, as they value their skills with devices and theory above other pursuits. Not so with Mike “Buzzard” Daniels says information surrounding him. He is, in plain terms, a master thief.  His exploits in recent years relate to the thefts of several technological showcases from large companies in the vein of Arvix.
     Early records of Daniels aren’t anything special: he grew up in a poor neighborhood, obtained a GED after dropping high school to get out of his home early, but still maintains rare contact with his parents. At no point does he fall off the grid exactly, and there are a few police reports of minor thefts and vandalism bearing his name. There is however, a one-year break wherein there are no more reports, no calling card, but no job records either. He was either receiving training from or being provided for by somebody my records haven’t been able to identify.
     After this discrepancy, pieced together police reports trace Buzzard around the country pilfering various jewels, always with a mind toward daring heists that leave little or no evidence. The police reports eventually identified him from his style of ‘circling’ his prey, committing smaller thefts in a radius around the big target before finally moving in. Further the name Buzzard was also used by the fences they caught dealing with him. Most of these crimes are ageing rapidly, and there is almost not police presence interested in them anymore.
     More recently as mentioned, company internal reports have Buzzard stealing technological demos like a trademark hover-bike and twin specially modified handguns. I don’t know what was specially modified about them, the internal report did not say. They appear to function like regular semi-automatic pistols to me, at least. The bike is far more interesting, reaching speeds of a conventional high powered motorcycle but using a repulsion system rather than wheels, granting the craft the ability to make brief low altitude flights as well. Jumps may be a more accurate word from the spec analysis I received.
     There are some other interesting records for Mr. Daniels, such as a series of hospital bills regarding burns and scarring. Based on the time frame and a later theft report, I can only assume he had a rare snafu with a hard laser security system and scarred his lower face and neck significantly. Visuals usually have him wearing a bandanna over the mouth and down the neck, both to reinforce his identity as the Buzzard thief and to cover his mild disfigurement.
     Daniels relation to Fybertech seems tenuous at best, compared to the strong bonds that most of its members exhibit. His seems to be more a relation of convince, as a tapped call has him turning them down merely because he felt a job wasn’t lucrative or important enough. His interest seems to lie in obtaining more technology for himself, but he can be pressed occasionally to help on a job that clearly simply benefits the greater good. It appears also that he’s willing to steal from companies that have particularly earned his ire on principle, which unsurprisingly tend to be the abuse firms that Fybertech finds itself pitted against anyway. Notably Buzzard has also stolen from GOBLIN elements.
     Buzzard’s cash source is obvious but hard to trace as not a penny of it leaves a record. I can track some of it from police filings of theft, but many times companies won’t report such proprietary information being stolen lest their competitors try to acquire it. He appears to steal enough to live comfortably downtown in a loft. Police have no major interest in him at this time due to the shady nature of the other parties involved in his thefts, so he’s able to live relatively unmolested and in the public eye.
Buzzard favors quick strikes followed by fast retreats in combat. Like most of his comrades, a direct confrontation would not be a favorable experience for him, despite his relative ability with twin pistols. When he deems an attack necessary he can be decidedly more fatal than most of Fybertech, based on his fairly conventional weaponry.
     Daniels is an obvious case and I don’t have much to follow up on, except that his exploits will one day make a fabulous job for me if I am so hired.
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Re: Fybertech Investigation
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2006, 01:53:42 am »
Writes some more for Buzzard, sends to Borz later.
Ten years to the minute, no longer in it.


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Re: Fybertech Investigation
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2006, 10:55:28 pm »
     As the next several records will show, sometimes supertechnology was mostly developed before a member ever encountered the Fybertech organization. Mister Bowman and Grant’s experience with amazing power sources and computer control equipment is often the final key necessary to unlocking a device’s unique and amazing power. Take the case of a one Paul Aston, known in the organization and many times on the street as ‘Rhythm’ for his audio engineering background. Rhythm’s pride and joy in his career as an electrical engineer was a feedback control pair of headphones, designed to operate the settings on any device accepting a headphone jack from the headphones themselves, allowing a world of options to be changed from a familiar control scheme on the earpieces. I will delve into the history in a moment, but suffice to say after he encountered FyberOptic and Boris, they were able to upgrade the system to provide a world of options for sound wave control, which I will detail later.
     Mister Aston is more an exception than rule to Fybertech: Rather than educating himself or being naturally gifted, Aston’s records include fully graduating high school and a 4 year university in the Midwest. He never had much professional success, investing what money he made in his career into personal endeavors and businesses that never took off. Supposition indicates he came to the city seeking a position and was turned down an in a bad spot when he was approached by a front for Turner Transcontinental offering completion assistance on his force feedback headphones in exchange for full rights. The recruiter was apparently overzealous as mister Aston put what little money he had into investigating them through our friend detective Vito. Upon recognizing the company and their interest, Vito started a file indicating he introduced Aston to Fybertech. Bowman and Grant must have realized after some discussion that Turner had seen the same opportunity in the device they had and soon helped Aston boost it to power and control levels he had never imagined while at the same time completing a lesser version that he could market. Boris was only too happy to found a business venture with him, investing in it traditionally.
     Current records have Rhythm living in the city suburbs comfortably, and still working with Boris and Fybertech in general to invent new electrical devices, usually following his adopted theme of specialization with audio. His finances are best described as comfortable and legitimate, all traceable from his business ventures, which after his initial association with grant, he’s beginning to fund himself and keep separate from Fybertech.
     In terms of his personal technical armaments, I have a schematic from Grant’s log detailing the boosts in the original force feedback headphones. Apparently while useless by themselves, with a knowledge of electrical wiring (or a convenient headphone jack) Rhythm can turn any speaker into a potent weapon depending on type and the settings of his headphones. A subwoofer for example could be power and control boosted to created waves shielding the user, A smaller treble speaker or ‘tweeter’ could become a potent directed force weapon. At all times, Rhythm seems to carry a backup smaller speaker that he could use to at least disable a potential attacker.
    Aston’s device is certainly able to apply very unique and varied effects, but limited to the kinds of speakers he has available, and furthermore he can only tap into and control one type of system at a time, so while he’s balanced in assault and defense, he has to be somewhat methodical in his progress in combat, suiting him well with the patient Fybertech members.
     Aston, like Grant, has a mundane past but a bright future and will surely continue to be of interest both for his occasional connections to this day with Fybertech due to competition with Turner Transcontinental, and because of his natural gift for engineering modern audio devices of novel design and purpose, not to mention under Grant’s tutelage a growing business sense to actually see them used.
<Armature> i just really want centaur Azula