Author Topic: RPLOG: DEV IS A SHITTY SUPERHERO  (Read 12133 times)


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« on: November 05, 2005, 12:03:20 am »
[19:49] <@DevGM> +++
[19:50] <@DevGM> Welp, after leaving Risus and chilling for a while, Dev has to leave to his home city, Delta City.
[19:50] <@DevGM> Since he's infatuated with being big, he invites you two along for the ride.
[19:51] <@DevGM> You arive, at the bustling metropolis.
[19:51] <@DevGM> And he's ready more than ever.
[19:51] <@DevGM> ---
[19:51] <@DevGM> Feels good to be back.
[19:52] <Prox> ...yeah.
[19:52] <Armature> i mean SUNP?
[19:52] <Prox> So, uh... what are we doing here anyhow.
[19:52] <@DevGM> Well, I'm hearing that the shit has officially hit the fan.
[19:53] <@DevGM> And, I being the coll guy I am, Have to save it.
[19:53] <@DevGM> SAVE IT ALL.
[19:53] * Armature naps
[19:53] * @DevGM kicks Army.
[19:53] <@DevGM> Well, I need backup.
[19:53] * Armature has quit IRC (Quit: KICKED)
[19:54] <@DevGM> That's why you are here.
[19:54] <Prox> so, what's the problem.
[19:54] <Armature> Only for many moneys
[19:54] <Armature> and hot ladies
[19:54] <@DevGM> Follow up, we might see some stuff!
[19:54] <Armature> and hot ladies with money
[19:54] <@DevGM> Also, there are some hawt ladies.
[19:55] <@DevGM> w/ moneys.
[19:55] * Armature auto-follows
[19:55] <@DevGM> [Think NYC]
[19:55] * @DevGM goes to a greasy pub, the sign on it says "Tim's".
[19:55] <@DevGM> My stomping ground.
[19:56] * DevGM is now known as Tim
[19:56] <@Tim> Jesus, Dev, where have you been!
[19:56] <@Tim> Dev: Nowhere.
[19:56] <@Tim> +++
[19:57] <@Tim> Dev and Tim have an intresting chat about stuff, when the lights suddenly go out.
[19:57] <@Tim> Two thugs, wearing nothing but red, step up two you two, and shoot Dev in the back.
[19:57] <@Tim> Dev: D'GAW.
[19:58] <@Tim> Dev is down.
[19:58] <@Tim> And they are coming after you next.
[19:58] <@Tim> ---
[19:58] <@Tim> +++BATTLE TIMES+++
[19:58] <Armature> I was wondering when that would happen~
[19:58] <Prox> hmph.
[19:59] <@Tim> THUG ONE: Heh, we got a robot and a construction worker.
[19:59] * Prox lays Dev face-down on the counter
[19:59] <@Tim> THUG TWO: This should be quite easy.
[19:59] <@Tim> GO ARMY
[19:59] <Prox> And what're you? Erythrocytes?
[20:00] <Armature> >panel
[20:00] * Prox laughs pompously
[20:00] <Armature> Results from 1d5: 5
[20:00] <Armature> Oh look, pick axe
[20:00] * Armature swings for chest meats
[20:00] <Armature> Results from 1d10: 7
[20:00] <@Tim> Thug 1 is hit for about half of his life!
[20:00] <Armature> p.s. it ignores DP
[20:01] <@Tim> THUG 1: SHIT MY BITCH
[20:01] <@Tim> PROX GO
[20:01] * Prox calmly reaches for two bottles of Jack Daniels, busts them over the second thug's head.
[20:02] <Prox> wait, make that one for each thug.
[20:02] <@Tim> Roll a 1 d 10.
[20:02] <@Tim> make the 2 1 d 10s.
[20:02] <Prox> hmm, my dice function doesn't want to work.
[20:03] <@Tim> ok
[20:03] <@Tim> Results from 1d10: 7
[20:03] <@Tim> Results from 1d10: 2
[20:03] <@Tim> Thug 1 is hurt some more!
[20:03] <@Tim> Thug two shrugs it off.
[20:03] <Armature> [2nd thug]
[20:03] <Armature> [oh lol
[20:03] <Armature> ]
[20:04] <@Tim> THUG TURN.
[20:04] <@Tim> Thug one fires a decently weak pistol.
[20:04] <@Tim> Results from 1d10: 2
[20:04] <@Tim> It barly hits army.
[20:05] <@Tim> Second thug follows suit.
[20:05] <@Tim> Results from 1d10: 8
[20:05] <Armature> ping ping mc ping
[20:05] <@Tim> Ouch!
[20:05] <@Tim> [dp prox?]
[20:05] <Prox> lets say 2 b/c stone
[20:06] <@Tim> [kk]
[20:06] <@Tim> Prox is hit for 6 damage.
[20:06] <@Tim> ARMY TURN
[20:06] <Armature> sunp
[20:07] * Armature PICK AXE
[20:07] <Armature> Results from 1d10: 5
[20:07] <@Tim> Thug 1/2?
[20:07] <Armature> 1
[20:07] <@Tim> KK
[20:07] <@Tim> Saying thug one is dead is an understatement.
[20:07] <@Tim> He's SUPER DEAD.
[20:08] <@Tim> PROX 2.
[20:08] * Prox lights lighter, holds up to Thug 2. his alky-hol soaked clothes catch fire very easily.
[20:08] <Prox> that's a 1d30.
[20:08] <@Tim> Go.
[20:08] <Prox> give or take.
[20:09] <@Tim> [1d30 = ok.]
[20:09] <@Tim> Results from 1d30: 3
[20:09] <@Tim> Not so great.
[20:09] <Prox> wait, i've got dice.
[20:09] <Prox> Results from 1d30: 9
[20:09] <Prox> well, it wouldn't matter.
[20:09] <@Tim> Still not so great.
[20:10] <Prox> they both suck.
[20:10] <@Tim> But it gets the job don.
[20:10] <@Tim> Thug 2 is barely alive.
[20:10] <@Tim> ---BATTLE OVER---
[20:10] * Prox pours a bucket of water over Thug 2's head
[20:10] <Prox> PSSSHH~~
[20:11] <@Tim> t-thanks for the mercy.
[20:11] <@Tim> I'll tell you anything...!
[20:11] <@Tim> Anything!
[20:11] <Prox> sure thing, Tim-domo.
[20:11] <Armature> Let's just ace him~
[20:12] <Prox> well...
[20:12] <Prox> yeah, okay.
[20:12] <@Tim> I was sent by Dev's arch nemisis!
[20:12] * Armature rolls eyes
[20:12] <Prox> i'll bet you were.
[20:12] * Armature 's eye fall out of head and bore into the ground
[20:13] <@Tim> The thug puts his gun to his head, and pulls the trigger.
[20:13] <@Tim> Dev: Huh?
[20:13] <Prox> k.
[20:13] <@Tim> Dev: What Just happened?
[20:13] * Prox looks around the room
[20:13] <Prox> there it is.
[20:13] <@Tim> Jesus.
[20:14] <Prox> Even a dumpy place like this has a medkit on the wall.
[20:14] <Prox> for emergency.
[20:14] <@Tim> Dev: Take it.
[20:14] * Prox gets it, applies it to Dev.
[20:14] <@Tim> Dev: Haw!
[20:14] <@Tim> Dev: I need to do to the hospital for this shit!
[20:14] <Prox> Not really.
[20:15] <@Tim> Well, lets see.
[20:15] * Tim is now known as DevGM
[20:15] * @DevGM bends over backwards.
[20:15] <@DevGM> Well then.
[20:15] <@DevGM> I think I know who sent them.
[20:16] <@DevGM> Oh, well, I did'nt hear that part.
[20:16] <Armature> he thinks your part of STARS
[20:16] <@DevGM> Must be Don.
[20:16] <Armature> IF I SEE HIM, I'M GONE
[20:16] <Armature> LIKE LIGHTNING
[20:16] <Prox> aw, shit.
[20:17] <@DevGM> Listen, If you help me out, I'll get you those hot womens.
[20:17] <Armature> Nothing can truly stop nemesis
[20:17] <@DevGM> Well, you never know.
[20:17] <Armature> nothing
[20:17] * @DevGM walks out of Tim's.
[20:18] <@DevGM> Tim: Later man!
[20:18] <@DevGM> FOLLOW UP.
[20:18] * Prox drops some moneys on the counter
[20:18] * Armature follows, blathering on about Resident Evil
[20:18] * Prox exits the bar.
[20:18] <@DevGM> +++
[20:19] <@DevGM> Dev points to a big, red building, with gargoyles all over.
[20:19] <@DevGM> Dev: He's right there.
[20:19] <@DevGM> ---
[20:19] <@DevGM> Not much of a secret fortress.
[20:19] <@DevGM> But nobody has really gotten through it's security.
[20:20] <Prox> well, that's nice.
[20:20] <Prox> [it has windows, right?]
[20:20] <@DevGM> And i've been lazy as hell.
[20:20] <@DevGM> [sory no]
[20:20] * Armature blather blather
[20:20] <@DevGM> I say we raid it.
[20:21] <@DevGM> FYBE RUSH kekekekekekekekekekekekekkeekke
[20:21] <Armature> stares
[20:21] * @DevGM runs to the building.
[20:21] * Armature doesn't
[20:21] * Prox observes what kinds of outside security the building has
[20:21] <Prox> w/ zoom lens
[20:21] <@DevGM> Prox sees nothing.
[20:22] <@DevGM> Nothing but red.
[20:22] <Prox> Hmm, well. That's a sure sign that there's something there.
[20:22] <@DevGM> Well then, if you help me you get hawt chivks!
[20:23] <Prox> then there's no reason for me to help you.
[20:23] <Armature> I trust nothing
[20:23] <@DevGM> I'll give you whatever you want.
[20:23] <Armature> I'd be insane to raid that place
[20:23] <@DevGM> Well, I cant tell, you anything.
[20:23] <Prox> but, in the pretext of the RP, what the hell.
[20:23] <Armature> Honestly I don't think we'd survive
[20:23] <Prox> i'll be right back.
[20:24] <@DevGM> Hey.
[20:24] <@DevGM> Worth a shot.
[20:24] * Prox walks towards Exchange
[20:24] <Armature> Maybe if you found some sort of armor booster. . .
[20:25] * @DevGM points to Wal-Marts UTRA MEGA CENTER.
[20:25] <@DevGM> They got it.
[20:25] <Armature> buy it
[20:25] <Prox> that place is non-existant.
[20:25] <@DevGM> They have some good ones also.
[20:25] <@DevGM> [prox.]
[20:25] * @DevGM walks in, comes out ten minutes later.
[20:25] <@DevGM> HERE.
[20:26] * @DevGM give you both an armor boost.
[20:26] <Armature> ^^;;
[20:26] <@DevGM> {+ dp 5}
[20:26] <Armature> oh mah shit
[20:27] <@DevGM> This is a one time use one though.
[20:27] <Prox> *a nice, unmarked red van pulls up near where you two are standing*
[20:27] <@DevGM> [prox.
[20:27] <@DevGM> So, shall we go now?
[20:27] <Prox> [it's me, I'm inside it.]
[20:27] <@DevGM> [kk]
[20:27] <@DevGM> Ready to go?
[20:27] <Armature> >auto
[20:27] <@DevGM> +++
[20:27] * Prox gets out, holding a huge grey metal box
[20:28] <@DevGM> He's bigger than big.
[20:28] <@DevGM> Stronger then strong.
[20:28] <@DevGM> And some people say hehas a little bit of demon it him.
[20:29] <@DevGM> WHOS TO SAY.
[20:29] <@DevGM> You enter through the back door.
[20:29] <@DevGM> +++BATTURU+++
[20:29] <@DevGM> ---
[20:30] <@DevGM> ARMY GO.
[20:30] <Armature> sunpppp
[20:30] <Prox> [one turret?]
[20:30] * Armature strikes at turret w/ axe
[20:30] <Armature> Results from 1d10: 4
[20:30] <@DevGM> [yep]
[20:30] <@DevGM> The turret is barly hit.
[20:31] <@DevGM> But it shows some wires and a cpu!
[20:31] <@DevGM> PROX GO
[20:31] <@DevGM> [i suggest you hit the cpu]
[20:31] <Prox> well, good thing I brought this along.
[20:32] * Prox tosses the metal box at the turret
[20:32] <Prox> GAWD RUN
[20:32] * Prox ducks for cover
[20:32] <Prox> DOOJ~
[20:32] <@DevGM> BIG AMERICAN EXPOLOSION~~~~~~~~~~
[20:32] <@DevGM> ROLL 1d5!
[20:32] <Prox> Results from 1d5: 2
[20:32] <@DevGM> same w/ you army
[20:33] <Armature> Results from 1d5: 2
[20:33] <@DevGM> you both take no damage.
[20:33] <@DevGM> b/c dp.
[20:33] <Prox> Results from 1d60: 25
[20:33] <Prox> woops.
[20:33] <Prox> well.
[20:33] <Prox> okay.
[20:33] * Prox takes a glance at the turret to see if any parts made it
[20:34] <@DevGM> You see nothing but a motion sensor and some cpu.
[20:34] <@DevGM> Other then the turret + bullets, you see nohing of use.
[20:34] <Prox> well.
[20:35] * Prox enters the building after crushing the motion sensor
[20:35] <@DevGM> +++
[20:35] <@DevGM> Well then, listen to this!
[20:35] <@DevGM> You have like six thugs on you.
[20:36] <@DevGM> All of them have uzi's.
[20:36] <@DevGM> YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO.
[20:36] <@DevGM> ---
[20:36] <Armature> Results from 1d5: 4
[20:36] <Armature> Results from 1d30: 16
[20:36] <Armature> >panel, sledge, thug 1
[20:37] <@DevGM> Thug one is knocked out.
[20:37] <@DevGM> PROX GO.
[20:37] * Prox looks around the room
[20:38] <Prox> [and sees...?]
[20:38] <@DevGM> {you see nothing but that urret behind you}
[20:38] <@DevGM> [*turret]
[20:38] <Prox> [so, the room is completely bare of everything.]
[20:38] <@DevGM> [hint hint?]
[20:38] <Prox> [plx, the turret is so out of commission.]
[20:39] <@DevGM> [yeah]
[20:39] <@DevGM> [just go!]
[20:39] * Prox sighs, body tackles three of them
[20:39] <Prox> Results from 3d10: 23
[20:39] <@DevGM> OUCH OUCH OUCH
[20:39] <@DevGM> three are down.
[20:40] <@DevGM> two are left.
[20:40] <@DevGM> THUGS GO
[20:40] <@DevGM> Results from 1d10: 6
[20:40] <@DevGM> Results from 1d10: 7
[20:41] <@DevGM> none of you are hurt.
[20:41] <@DevGM> b/c dp bonuses
[20:41] <@DevGM> ---BATTLE OVER
[20:41] <@DevGM> +++
[20:41] <Prox> wh-
[20:42] <@DevGM> They just give up.
[20:42] <@DevGM> They leave the door, and soon are lit on fire via another explosion from the turret.
[20:43] <Prox> well.
[20:43] * Prox checks the bodies of the other four thugs
[20:43] <@DevGM> The door behind them opens.
[20:43] <@DevGM> There's Don.
[20:43] <@DevGM> ---
[20:43] * DevGM is now known as Don
[20:43] <@Don> Hello men.
[20:44] <Prox> hmph.
[20:44] <@Don> I have been waiting for you.
[20:44] <@Don> Well, let's cut the shit.
[20:44] <@Don> Prepare to die.
[20:44] <@Don> +++BATTLE+++
[20:44] <@Don> [Prox sees only their uzis.
[20:45] <@Don> ARMY GO????????
[20:45] * Prox motions to Dev and Armature to TAKE THIS ONE OUTSIDE.
[20:45] * Armature stares for a moment, just rams into Don full str
[20:46] <Armature> Results from 1d20: 19
[20:46] <@Don> BOOSH
[20:46] <Armature> +into wall
[20:46] <@Don> [I'll make that critical hit.]
[20:46] <@Don> [b/c so close]
[20:46] <@Don> Don is hit for 30 hp!
[20:47] <@Don> PROX GO.
[20:47] * Prox takes note of how tall Don is
[20:47] <@Don> He's quite tall.
[20:47] <Prox> ft?
[20:47] <@Don> Say 6' 11".
[20:47] <Prox> well, lollicus finch.
[20:47] <Prox> I can make that one.
[20:47] * Prox jumps, straddles Don's neck
[20:48] <Prox> Results from 1d10: 8
[20:48] <Prox> ^@^
[20:48] <@Don> Don falls down, but picks himself up, and rushes himself off.
[20:48] <Prox> [i'm clinging to his neck?]
[20:48] <@Don> [you fell off!]
[20:49] <Prox> [Oh. I thought an 8 would make it]
[20:49] <@Don> its ok.
[20:49] <@Don> [8= DMG.]
[20:49] <Prox> [hmph.]
[20:49] <@Don> [ok.]
[20:50] <@Don> Don takes his hand, does a quick clap, and soon a ball of fire shoots out at you.
[20:50] <@Don> PSSSHUUUUU
[20:50] <@Don> Results from 1d2: 1
[20:50] <Prox> so, uh... where's Dev?
[20:50] <@Don> It hits army.
[20:51] <@Don> [Dev is in the back.]
[20:51] <@Don> [He is really lazy]
[20:51] <@Don> [SWONK]
[20:51] <@Don> Results from 1d15: 15
[20:51] <@Don> OH critical hit on army!
[20:51] <@Don> Dp is back to 2!
[20:52] <Armature> >shields it at least?
[20:52] <@Don> 3 damage on Army.
[20:52] <Armature> Results from 1d30: 24
[20:53] <Armature> >SLEDGE'D
[20:53] <@Don> PANCH
[20:53] <@Don> Don is down so horribly.
[20:53] <Prox> that weak, huh?
[20:53] <@Don> ----BATTLE OVER----
[20:53] <Armature> w-what?
[20:53] <Armature> I-I used my sledge!
[20:53] <Prox> no, Don.
[20:54] <Prox> He's weak.
[20:54] <@Don> Don: Nice try.
[20:54] * @Don burn up, dissapears.
[20:54] * Don is now known as DevGM
[20:54] <@DevGM> w-what
[20:54] <@DevGM> YAWN
[20:54] <Prox> well, shitting dicknipples.
[20:55] <Prox> [so, what're the walls made out of?]
[20:55] <@DevGM> [brick cover, titanium hulls under that.]
[20:56] <@DevGM> Well then you got em.
[20:56] <@DevGM> +++
[20:56] <@DevGM> Dev takes Army to the clubs, wherin he meets many hawt chicks w/ monies.
[20:57] <@DevGM> Prox gets whatever he wanted.
[20:57] <@DevGM> And Dev just keeps being Dev.
[20:57] <@DevGM> ---RP OVER---
[20:57] <@DevGM> ---MISSION RANK A---
[20:57] <@DevGM> Army: 30 xp.
[20:58] <@DevGM> Prox:25 xp.
[20:58] <@DevGM> Soory for making a sucky rp~