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I finally put together a Fybertech customized version of mIRC for those who are interested.  You can get it here.

If you already have a customized mirc you're comfortable with (hchat, snipe, whatevers) then there isn't much benefit in getting this one.  This one does have some updated features though, but they may not necessarily warrant switching over.

Here's a GETTING STARTED guide:

First, unzip it somewhere, don't try to run it out of the zip file.  And if you know what I'm talking about, make sure "Use Folder Names" is enabled in Winzip so that you extract the folders.  If not, it's no big deal, you just miss out on a background image and a sound effect.

After unzipping it, run mIRC.exe, and it should pop up and connect automatically.  You'll be a guest by default, but you can use "/nick YOURNAME", minus the quotes, and replacing YOURNAME with what you want your name to be.  At this point you should be good to go for basic chattery.

If you want to set a color, first enable the function by typing "/enable #set-colors".  Then bring up the color chart by pressing control-k.  You'll want the number of a foreground and background color.  Remember those, the backspace away any junk in the chat line and type "/setcolors".  First it'll ask for the foreground color, then the background.  Just put in the numbers you wanted for the colors, and you should be chattin' in style.

A new feature is having mIRC automatically identify you on the Fybertech server whenever Nickserv tells you to.  This is useful if you change nicks and then change back, so that you don't have to do it manually.  First enable the feature with "/enable #autoident", then use "/set %nickpass.NICKNAME PASSWORD", replacing NICKNAME and PASSWORD with your particular nick and pass.  And that is a period between "nickpass" and "NICKNAME", not a space, so don't leave that out.  You should be able to use this for multiple nicks too if you so happened to have more than one.  But keep in mind, this script is untested on servers other than Fybertech, so it might not work there at all.

Another new little toy is the /up command.  This uses the moo.dll to obtain info about your system, such as the processor speed, operating system type, and other interesting tidbits, and displays them in chat.  The free disk space part of it doesn't seem to work properly for most folks, I dunno what's up with that.  But I didn't make the DLL file, so who knows!

The auto-away system is off by default.  Some people found it to be annoying, and I don't even use it anymore myself, but if anyone still wants to, use "/enable #autoaway", then "/set true".  Next time you reconnect to chat, it should become active.  This takes advantage of the SystemIdle.dll I included, which fetches the actual system idle time instead of mirc's idle time, but unfortunately doesn't seem to work properly in anything less than Windows 2000.  You can also use "/set %ft-autoaway.time SECONDS", replacing SECONDS with the number of seconds before you become idle.  The default is 900 (15 minutes).

Other commands are:

/notes - Opens up notes.txt in notepad.  Handy for keeping track of bits of info you want to remember later.

/todo - Opens up todo.txt in notepad.  Might not be as useful for you, but I use it all the time!

/dice - Rolls #d# style dice.  For example, type /dice 1 20 to roll one twenty-sided piece of dice.

/whome - Performs a /whois on yourself.

/ovn - Does an op/voice notice.  Only people with a @ or + can see what's said.

I guess one of these days I should make some of the scripts (like auto-away and setcolors) be a bit more intuitive with menus or dialog boxes, but until then, hopefully I explained everything well enough.  And if you need help with anything, feel free to ask!

Something else I should probably mention here for the GETTING STARTED guide is how to register your nickname.  Registering nicks is server-related, actually, so you can do this either through javachat or mirc or whatever.  It's not entirely necessary to even register unless you have a reason to.  But to do so, after you've changed to the nick you want to register, type the following:

/nickserv register PASSWORD

Replacing "PASSWORD" with the one you want.  Then when you come online, you can use:

/nickserv identify PASSWORD

After you change to your nick.  Then it'll know you're who you say you are.  This is handy for channels where you're an op or have voice status, otherwise you don't get it.

Dear Tech Support,

When I try to get on FyRC, it says:

* Connecting to (6667)
* Unable to connect to server (Connection timed out)

Please tell me if there is anything I can do to prevent this.

Signed (not really),

Mr. Clueless H. Customer

That's strange.  NOW I ASK QUESTIONS.

Are you at home when trying to connect?
How long did you try to connect?
Does the Java chat work on the main part of the site?

sorry to interrupt, but I want to say this is a NEAT program. I found your GETTING STARTED section a little hard to understand Fyber, but it helped. And setting it to auto-goto #Fybertech was neato.



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