Author Topic: RPG Log: Life In Limbo  (Read 13231 times)


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RPG Log: Life In Limbo
« on: October 19, 2005, 10:43:48 pm »
[20:45] * Sino has joined #rpg
[20:45] <Sino> GWAH
[20:45] <Sino> GWAH
[20:45] <Sino> GWAH
[20:45] <@Prox> laff
[20:45] <@Prox> LAFF
[20:45] * Sino is now known as DevDestructo
[20:45] <DevDestructo> SSSUUUPPPP
[20:45] <@Prox> nawmuch.
[20:45] * Prox is now known as ProxGM
[20:45] <@ProxGM> +++
[20:46] <@ProxGM> you wake up without memory of anything except your name.
[20:46] <@ProxGM> You are in a cold land, on a flat grey plain.
[20:46] <@ProxGM> all around you is crystalline grass.
[20:46] <@ProxGM> ---
[20:47] <@ProxGM> a cold wind blows from the east
[20:47] <DevDestructo> WHERE AM I
[20:48] <DevDestructo> WHY AM I HERE.
[20:48] <DevDestructo> >look
[20:49] <@ProxGM> The ground beneath your feet is soft and loamy.
[20:49] <@ProxGM> To the west there is a range of grey mountains.
[20:50] <DevDestructo> digs a small hole
[20:50] <@ProxGM> As you dig, water seeps out from the ground.
[20:51] <DevDestructo> meh
[20:51] <DevDestructo> TO THOSE MOUNTAINS
[20:52] <@ProxGM> +++
[20:52] <@ProxGM> You walk for what seems like ages.
[20:52] <@ProxGM> Finally, you arrive at a large chasm.
[20:52] <@ProxGM> A red glow approaches from the base of the chasm.
[20:52] <@ProxGM> ---
[20:52] <DevDestructo> oh god.
[20:53] <DevDestructo> look glow
[20:53] <@ProxGM> A pale man holding a red candle approaches
[20:53] * ProxGM is now known as Irving
[20:53] <DevDestructo> why hello there...!!
[20:53] <@Irving> hello.
[20:53] <DevDestructo> you are like, the first person I've seen in ages.
[20:53] <DevDestructo> Listen, I need a little help here.
[20:54] <@Irving> What can I help you with?
[20:54] <DevDestructo> where am I?
[20:54] <@Irving> This place goes by many names.
[20:54] <@Irving> Most call it Limbo.
[20:54] <DevDestructo> oh my.
[20:54] <DevDestructo> How did this happen?
[20:54] <@Irving> As I recall, only a strong dark magic can transfer a living mortal to Limbo.
[20:54] <DevDestructo> I don't recall ever coming into contact with one of those.
[20:55] <@Irving> Hmm...
[20:55] <DevDestructo> Anyways, how can I get out of here?
[20:55] * @Irving pulls out a mysterious leather-bound book
[20:55] <@Irving> You'll need this.
[20:55] * @Irving walks back down the chasm wall
[20:55] <DevDestructo> thanks
[20:55] <DevDestructo> look book
[20:55] * @Irving is now known as ProxGM
[20:56] <@ProxGM> Looking at the book's intricate cover gives you a feeling of selflessness.
[20:56] <DevDestructo> wow
[20:56] <DevDestructo> cool.
[20:56] <DevDestructo> >read book
[20:56] <@ProxGM> You flip through the book, and soon find some pages on Limbo.
[20:57] <@ProxGM> It says that the first step of passing from the median between life and death is to negotiate with the keeper of Limbo.
[20:57] <DevDestructo> humph
[20:57] <DevDestructo> look around
[20:57] <@ProxGM> You see nothing. A chill wind comes from the east.
[20:57] <DevDestructo> look east
[20:58] <@ProxGM> the horizon has a faint glow to it.
[20:58] <DevDestructo> hmm.
[20:59] <DevDestructo> look down chasm.
[20:59] <@ProxGM> Irving hasn't completely disappeared yet.
[20:59] <DevDestructo> IRVING
[20:59] * ProxGM is now known as Irving
[20:59] <DevDestructo> IRVING
[20:59] <@Irving> hmm...?
[20:59] * @Irving turns around
[20:59] <DevDestructo> Do you know where the keeper is?
[21:00] <@Irving> The keeper?
[21:00] <@Irving> ...
[21:00] <@Irving> I haven't seen him recently in my time down here.
[21:00] <@Irving> all I can remember of him is a cold wind.
[21:00] <DevDestructo> slash me gasps
[21:00] <DevDestructo> dear lord.
[21:00] <@Irving> are you alright?
[21:00] <DevDestructo> LATER, IRVING.
[21:01] <@Irving> okay then.
[21:01] <DevDestructo> I HAVE BUISNESS.
[21:01] <DevDestructo> heads east
[21:01] * @Irving continues to walk away
[21:01] * Irving is now known as ProxGM
[21:01] <DevDestructo> WAY EAST
[21:01] <@ProxGM> After walking for a while, the ground begins to pull at your feet.
[21:01] <@ProxGM> a grey mass clings to your leg.
[21:01] <DevDestructo> OH GOD.
[21:02] <DevDestructo> pull out mrs. ratatat
[21:02] <DevDestructo> fires gun
[21:02] <@ProxGM> Arig: HISS
[21:02] <DevDestructo> OH LORD
[21:02] <DevDestructo> ARE YOU ALRIGHT
[21:02] <@ProxGM> roll a 1dwhatever for your attack, plx
[21:02] <DevDestructo> Results from 1d20: 11
[21:03] <@ProxGM> Arig bites you squarely on the foot.
[21:03] <DevDestructo> OW
[21:03] <@ProxGM> Results from 1d20: 10
[21:03] <DevDestructo> OW
[21:03] <DevDestructo> OW
[21:03] * DevDestructo fires again
[21:03] <DevDestructo> Results from 1d22: 12
[21:03] <@ProxGM> Arig falls to the ground.
[21:04] <DevDestructo> NOW THEN
[21:04] <@ProxGM> +5 xp
[21:04] <DevDestructo> WHO THE HECK ARE YOU
[21:04] <@ProxGM> Arig: *gurgle*
[21:04] <@ProxGM> Arig: The keeper!!!
[21:04] <@ProxGM> Arig: He approaches!!!
[21:05] * DevDestructo looks around.
[21:05] <@ProxGM> the glow is advancing on you rather rapidly
[21:05] <DevDestructo> look glow
[21:05] <@ProxGM> as it does so, a very bitter wind blows.
[21:06] <@ProxGM> Soon, a glowing pyramid of carven rock approaches.
[21:06] <@ProxGM> it floats on a cloud of magic.
[21:06] * DevDestructo bows down
[21:06] <DevDestructo> SIR KEEPER
[21:06] <@ProxGM> Armigrade: What brings you here?
[21:07] <DevDestructo> I have no clue...!
[21:07] <DevDestructo> Also, i need to get out of here.
[21:07] <@ProxGM> Armigrade: do you know who might've brought you here?
[21:07] <DevDestructo> Some sort of magic, maybe.
[21:07] <@ProxGM> Armigrade: Magic??
[21:08] <@ProxGM> Armigrade: Recently, I sensed a great fluctuation in the magical plane.
[21:08] <DevDestructo> Wow.
[21:08] <@ProxGM> Armigrade: Ah yes. The dragon. He's dead.
[21:08] <DevDestructo> That must be it.
[21:08] <DevDestructo> OH LORD
[21:09] <DevDestructo> I killed that dragon.
[21:09] <DevDestructo> With some colligues.
[21:09] <@ProxGM> Armigrade: You were closest to the corpse though?
[21:09] <DevDestructo> Possibly.
[21:09] <DevDestructo> I was the one who shot it down, yes
[21:10] <@ProxGM> Armigrade: This is undoubtedly the cause of your coming here.
[21:10] <DevDestructo> Is there any way to get back, then?
[21:10] <@ProxGM> Armigrade: I am sorry, but I haven't ever been forced to send anyone back to the mortal world.
[21:10] <@ProxGM> Armigrade: I don't know how, in other words.
[21:10] <DevDestructo> ;o;
[21:11] <DevDestructo> THERE MUST BE A WAY.
[21:11] <@ProxGM> Armigrade: If only I had the Necronomicon.
[21:11] <DevDestructo> look book cover
[21:11] <@ProxGM> Armigrade: !!!
[21:11] <DevDestructo> Oh man...!
[21:11] <@ProxGM> Armigrade: Wh-where'd you get it?
[21:11] <DevDestructo> A man named Irving gave it to me.
[21:12] <@ProxGM> Armigrade: Hmm... he carried a red candle, yes?
[21:12] <DevDestructo> Yes.
[21:12] * @ProxGM slowly reaches for the book
[21:13] <@ProxGM> Armigrade: I do believe you're the first mortal who's actually come into contact with the Great Lord himself...!!
[21:13] <DevDestructo> GASP
[21:13] <DevDestructo> I...
[21:13] <DevDestructo> I...
[21:13] <DevDestructo> Saw god?
[21:13] * @ProxGM laughs
[21:13] <@ProxGM> Armigrade: God? down here?
[21:14] <DevDestructo> Well, it was a guess.
[21:14] <@ProxGM> Armigrade: No, my friend. It was Satan you saw.
[21:14] <DevDestructo> shit
[21:14] <DevDestructo> You mean, Satan, helped me?
[21:14] <@ProxGM> Armigrade: I'm afraid so.
[21:14] <@ProxGM> Armigrade: He's not as bad as people make him out to be.
[21:15] <DevDestructo> Do I like, owe him my soul, or something?
[21:15] * @ProxGM flips through the book
[21:15] <@ProxGM> Armigrade: No, no. Not at all.
[21:15] <DevDestructo> cuz i already sold that for some nachos.
[21:15] <@ProxGM> Armigrade: Let's see here... In order to leave the median between life and death...
[21:15] <DevDestructo> So, then, when am I out of here.
[21:16] <@ProxGM> Armigrade: The person must defeat a demon of hell.
[21:16] <DevDestructo> Well, I killed that guy, back there.
[21:16] * @ProxGM closes the book
[21:16] <@ProxGM> Armigrade: What, Arig?
[21:16] <DevDestructo> Yes, him.
[21:16] <@ProxGM> Armigrade: No, he's just a minion of mine.
[21:17] <DevDestructo> Ah.
[21:17] <@ProxGM> Armigrade: What you need is a real demon...!!
[21:17] <DevDestructo> Sorry bout that.
[21:17] <@ProxGM> Armigrade: Quite alright.
[21:17] <@ProxGM> Armigrade: So, back to the matter at hand.
[21:17] <DevDestructo> So then, that red chasm.
[21:17] <@ProxGM> Armigrade: yes?
[21:18] <DevDestructo> Thats hell, correct?
[21:18] <@ProxGM> Armigrade: Hell's gateway.
[21:18] <DevDestructo> I see.
[21:18] <@ProxGM> Armigrade: Had you looked up, you would've seen Heaven's gateway.
[21:18] <DevDestructo> I chlooks up
[21:18] <DevDestructo> i mean looks up
[21:19] <@ProxGM> Armigrade: so, anyways. I'll need to summon you a demon to kill so you can get out of here.
[21:19] <DevDestructo> Call em up.
[21:19] <DevDestructo> one sec, tho.
[21:19] * DevDestructo cocks Mrs. Ratatatat
[21:19] <DevDestructo> DO IT
[21:19] <@ProxGM> Armigrade: I'll heal you fully, first.
[21:20] * @ProxGM heals
[21:20] <DevDestructo> I feel good now.
[21:20] <@ProxGM> Armigrade: Alright.
[21:20] * @ProxGM glows with a red light
[21:20] <@ProxGM> +++
[21:20] <@ProxGM> The ground beneath you shakes.
[21:20] <@ProxGM> A bolt of blinding red light connects Armigrade to a widening circle on the ground.
[21:21] <@ProxGM> A huge twisted demon emerges
[21:21] <@ProxGM> ---
[21:21] <@ProxGM> Armigrade: Here! You'll need this!
[21:21] <DevDestructo> Oh my.
[21:21] * @ProxGM tosses a golden chalice
[21:21] <DevDestructo> takes it
[21:22] <@ProxGM> the demon steps steadily towards you.
[21:22] * DevDestructo shoots demon
[21:22] <DevDestructo> Results from 1d22: 11
[21:23] <@ProxGM> its step falters, but only for a moment.
[21:23] <@ProxGM> The demon lashes out with its long tail
[21:23] <DevDestructo> shoots bite
[21:23] <DevDestructo> wastes 1 pp
[21:23] <@ProxGM> Results from 1d15: 13
[21:23] <@ProxGM> and now, the damage roll for the bite.
[21:24] <DevDestructo> Results from 1d30: 16
[21:24] <@ProxGM> The demon unleashes a deafening roar
[21:24] <@ProxGM> Results from 1d5: 3
[21:25] <DevDestructo> ow mai ears
[21:25] * DevDestructo uses MEDIKIT
[21:25] <DevDestructo> So, beware!
[21:26] <@ProxGM> the demon tries to get near you, but it backs away several times
[21:26] <DevDestructo> uses gauntlets
[21:26] <DevDestructo> Results from 1d40: 12
[21:26] <DevDestructo> DAMMIT
[21:26] <@ProxGM> you notice that as it gets near you, the water in the chalice glows.
[21:27] <DevDestructo> throw water at demon
[21:27] <@ProxGM> Results from 1d1000: 863
[21:27] <@ProxGM> The demon shrieks a horrible shriek of pain
[21:27] <@ProxGM> it falls on its back, writhing
[21:27] <DevDestructo> A HA
[21:27] <DevDestructo> HA
[21:27] <DevDestructo> A HA
[21:27] <DevDestructo> A HA
[21:27] <DevDestructo> A HA
[21:27] <DevDestructo> A HA
[21:27] <DevDestructo> A HA
[21:27] <DevDestructo> A HA
[21:28] <DevDestructo> HA
[21:28] <@ProxGM> Its appendages are flailing everywhere.
[21:28] <@ProxGM> better start jumpin...!!
[21:28] <DevDestructo> AWSOME
[21:28] * DevDestructo RUNS
[21:28] <@ProxGM> the tail hits you sharply in the side
[21:28] <DevDestructo> OW
[21:28] <DevDestructo> OW
[21:28] <DevDestructo> OW
[21:28] <@ProxGM> Results from 1d5: 4
[21:28] <DevDestructo> OW
[21:28] <DevDestructo> OW
[21:29] <@ProxGM> you notice the tail beginning to whip around again.
[21:29] <DevDestructo> Jumps
[21:29] <@ProxGM> Results from 1d20: 17
[21:29] <@ProxGM> you succeed in jumping over the tail.
[21:30] <DevDestructo> Armigrade!!!!
[21:30] <@ProxGM> yeah, i can't think of any other ordeals.
[21:30] <DevDestructo> Armigrade!!!
[21:30] <@ProxGM> Armigrade: Wait one second! it'll die soon!
[21:31] <@ProxGM> you watch as the demon burns to a shriveled crisp
[21:31] <DevDestructo> Such fun.
[21:31] <@ProxGM> battle over times
[21:31] <DevDestructo> So, Armigrade, am i going?
[21:32] <@ProxGM> Armigrade: Yes, you've followed the book's instructions exactly.
[21:32] <@ProxGM> Armigrade: You are free to go.
[21:32] <DevDestructo> Deam, me back.
[21:32] <DevDestructo> *beam me up
[21:32] <@ProxGM> You are covered in a liquidy sheet
[21:32] <@ProxGM> you feel as if you are being thrown upwards at a high speed
[21:33] <DevDestructo> Gwah!!!!!
[21:33] <@ProxGM> CONGRATULATION! You've made it out!
[21:33] <@ProxGM> Since there were no colleagues with you, you only get 5 xp for beating up the demon.
[21:33] <@ProxGM> ERRK
[21:33] <DevDestructo> :(
[21:33] <@ProxGM> make that 10.
[21:33] <DevDestructo> :)
[21:34] <@ProxGM> and, you also got:
[21:34] <@ProxGM> The chalice from Armigrade!
[21:34] <DevDestructo> Nice!
[21:34] <DevDestructo> So, am i back in the cave?
[21:34] <@ProxGM> and a few strands of incredibly sharp crystal glass!
[21:34] <DevDestructo> Nicer!
[21:34] <@ProxGM> and yes, you're back out in front of the cave.
[21:34] <@ProxGM> Armature, Prox, and MDude's corpse are waiting for you.
[21:34] <DevDestructo> HEY GUYS
[21:35] <@ProxGM> ADVENTURE OVER~~
[21:35] <@ProxGM> MISSION RANK A
« Last Edit: October 20, 2005, 10:17:44 am by Prox »


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Re: RPG Log: Life In Limbo
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2005, 07:53:10 pm »
Why the hell am I never at these things, I think they are in the chat rooms, but wheres the link to the chat rooms


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Re: RPG Log: Life In Limbo
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2005, 08:33:15 am »
Type one of these, and you'll be taken to a different chat area:
Quote from: MDude
/join #RPG
Quote from: MDude
/join #FybeRPG
Each one takes you to a different chat.


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Re: RPG Log: Life In Limbo
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2005, 10:04:12 am »
Does he even know about the chatroom in the first place?


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Re: RPG Log: Life In Limbo
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2005, 10:45:34 am »
/join #RPG


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Re: RPG Log: Life In Limbo
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2005, 10:46:07 am »
Damnit >:(


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Re: RPG Log: Life In Limbo
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2005, 03:23:55 pm »
No, not in here. Go to the main page and click on the button all the way to the left.