Projects and Development > Sprites & Artworks & Renders

Oh right, I sometimes make graphics?


So after getting a tablet, I was asked what kind of stuff I draw, so I figured I'd actually put some stuff up here.

Boris asked if I could sprite a man facing forward and to the side, so I tried to make one that looks like him, as well as a tablet drawing based on his picture to practice using that. Edit: And then later I removed took it down, on the basis that no comment = it's bad.

A lot of things I made are on old computers, but some other recent stuff I made includes a made-up logo and various pixelated patterns.
There's also what I put on Fychan:
And Plus4:

Actually forgot I started animating that gif up there. That was taking way too long, should probably have had it move more pixels per frame.

Anyway, here's some things I made in by messing with affects, a pixel image where I misunderstood 1378dpi as 1080 dots, and an extra dumb doodle I made by randomly drawing lines until it started to look like something that resembles a cross between ALF and Bebop.


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