So we've been going in the chat all day and thanks to some talking it through arrived at some points:
- We can probably make some games
- people like playing games
- this might get some traffic and repeat visitors for the site.
Me, being the thematically driven fellow I am though, I came upon a cool glue for these various games,
A sort of create-your-fybertecher engine where you can mix and match hair, clothes, whatever, and then play the games to get points which can be used to start arming your avatar with cool lookin tech. That could in turn feed back into other games as a bonus at some point, encourageing folks to keep comping back and competeing.
The details are importatnt too though, and thanks to Fyber playin what he wants, we hit upon an idea for a flash or possibly java game already, a sort of 'space invaders/galga/whatever' shootem game which I promptly overlayed 'NYLARIAN DEFENDER' or something like that on top of it (actually fyber suggested it, but I run with ideas like that and never come back.)
I've thought some other ideas up, you know, the usual 'play tetris to hack their security' 'play megaman to beat up their henchmen' kind of games. But one at a time as far as the game department goes.
Rhythm and I came up with a bit of a site design concept already, which I must say looks pretty fancy. (see below pictures).
All its missing now is my notion that the site somehow depicts a holographic world you can go around and do things in, Nylarians up in space, Turner and Arvix on the east and west coasts or something, GOBLIN down in mexico. Dunno how feasible it is, but its a cool sounding idea.