General Category > Video Games

Second Life

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I guess this goes here anyway.

Hi I'm boris, your personal second life newbie. The difference between me and joe average is that I talked to the one guy in this game or whatever it is, who actually got the name 'peter frampton'. I see your not impressed, so I'm going to go with my contingency plan and point out the awesome Fybertech lab table and power core behind me. I made it mahself.

Mostly the fun here is that we found when you turn on physics and delink them, they fall apart spectacularly. Here's a couple breaking for you.

Now the big one, a stack of six of such tables collapseing under its own weight:

Deck and I sitting on a streetlight outside the ice-skating rink during a light snow.  ROMANCE IN THE AIR?

Vito will be pissed.

Anyway, I think /spaceno deserves at least one screenshot so I picked the best one I could find.

To those not in the know, spaceno is a gesture object which makes you start to spin around slowly as if falling, while screaming "NOOOOOOO".

Hrmmm. makes me almost try to go play second life.


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