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I got Haul's fifty big bucks, which brings it to $160.  Buzzard said he mailed his, so it should be here any time too.  So far, so good..!

Yeah, please let me know when you get that. Also send Bux.

Apperently Fyber finally got it, and we're at $200. Looks like we'll pick up another year hosted via community effort when I get my dollars thrown at Fyber.

I must say, I'm surprised at this.
A lot.
Ya'll did good.

'Spose it's a testament that the fact you guys are good folks and when the administration isn't constantly badgering for money, a good donation drive can go a long way. You can be sure it'll be put to good use with more junk slowly falling out of fyber's codehole, I imagine.

Thanks again guys, sorry I couldn't cover it myself this time. I'll get on the ball of finding a summer gig much earlier next time.~

I dunno, it's almost better when we're not all a bunch of moochers. Makes me feel better about being a freeloader.

now as soon as thins "pledge drive" is over we start another right... we'll call it a uh... contest... for some art or... crap... but as coll guys you can insult us if we don't try for it.

Best idea ^_^


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