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To any Hazard Labbers who may come here when seeing the Labs won't load, the explanation is simple.  We exceeded our bandwidth, just like the error said.  lollll

It was probably several things which contributed to this, such as increased Omnidex work, backing up more of the site than usual after my compter died, Spug's Pokeeman forum, fetches, that Christmas music, general usage, etc.

Luckily the month is almost over, at which point the site should come back up.  Extra bandwidth goes for $1.50 a gig, which as far as I understood it, was supposed to be automatically charged to us if we go over, but apparently that isn't true.  I don't think Fizz Man would mind, since it's just $1.50, but it's still his money and his credit card involved, so I wouldn't wanna do anything with that without permission.

This just goes to show you that eventually, if the site grew to be 3-4 times the size it is now, we might start running out of bandwidth more often, and would have to upgrade our service plan.  Imagine the bandwidth B&G uses, with almost 30,000 users, compared to our 100.  And we have a much more bandwidth-intensive site as well.

Anyhoo, by the time someone got ahold of Fizz Man, the month might already be over anyway, so we might just have to ride it out until the bandwidth resets.  In the meantime, my site has plenty of bandwidth, so feel free to waste it.

On the bright side, it's the first time we ever managed to exceed bandwidth that I know of.  HOORAY US.


I feel a bit guilty for this because of the Pokémon forum (I sent money to Hazard not long ago, though, so maybe my guilt will be lessened! Ho ho!), so I guess it's soon time to move it off site. Many of my friends are now 18, so it shouldn't be a problem to get ahold of a credit card I could borrow. Soon you'll be rid of me~, if I can find a suitable host (right now, I'm considering Fuitad, because they're so cheap that It's actually cheaper for me to purchase web space there than to continue being hosted at the Labs).

At any rate, happy new year, I guess!

Professor Hazard:
Fizz Man told me in the event of this happening to automatically charge money to his card, but I'll try and get ahold of him anyways.


I'mma try to get ahold of The Fizz, but is there a way to make the site host charge him anyway?  I thought it was supposed to be automatic.  Or are you supposed to anticipate your extra need for the month and pay for it then??
I guess I'll just let him know what's happened, and see if it's ok if the dolla fitty gets charged to him, IF it gets charged to him.

When the bandwidth is spent, we can buy extra bandwidth for $1.50 a GB. They don't do that automatically, because they don't charge anything automatically besides the monthly fee. You aren't supposed to anticipate it either; I think we can perfectly well make them charge him right now by opening a support ticket (although they're probably slow, if I know them well enough). It's just $1.50, after all. He's rich~


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