General Category > Roleplaying


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I had always envisioned creating a bot being able to store character stats and such, so when you do a dice roll for an attack it would instantly add any modifiers/elem bonus and the same for when you got attacked. Honestly, I find battle being the most boring part of the RPs because it takes some 3 dice rolls to just go through each character's attack and when you have a group of 4 going against a group of another 4 half the time of the RP is just deciding damage. Which is why I try to make mine more story oriented rather then battle ended.  Players are not even keeping track if they have had enough damage to to be dead even, I get asked if they should be dead.  Something as basic as keeping track of a 20 gauge health bar is too hard for players and considering how simplistically easy the current system is, I really don't see the pace being able to be keep up even at its current rate without some sort of technical assistance to go through all the complexities.

Another note: weapons are only suppose to give +X to damage in the current system, but apparently that is too hard to keep track of as well, so people just make them do 1dX for different weapons and ignore DP and AP currently.

There's always that Fantasy Grounds, though we never got it working properly.


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