Author Topic: Fy-RP (and Fy-RP charasheets)  (Read 24159 times)


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Fy-RP (and Fy-RP charasheets)
« on: October 16, 2005, 04:13:29 pm »
I've been thinking up a system for RP for a while to fit this imagined Fybertech Universe that lives in my head. The system is roughly based off the 'strength -> intellegence -> agility - > strength' idea.

[Let us be explicitly clear here, this isn't linked to Gar's RP. We toyed with the idea of interrelating them, but it made people swear and beat eachother w/sticks. So I'm deciding to make sure this is very clearly separate.]

The 'paper rock scissors' there serves as a modifier to the standard 'GM rolls a dice to see if you beat a set value' system:
strength trying to hit agility would only get .5 the dice roll
strength attacking strength gets the dice value
strength beaing up on intellegence would get 1.5 the dice roll

Adds some strategy to who attacks what in the battle part, and who solves what kind of puzzles. (an agility character would get a bonus to a puzzle where you had to whack many switches in a small time frame or something)

My RP (as you can see) would be a bit less freeform than Gar's because I actually like spesific character buildings and such. This leads me to the fact that I really only want about six classes, one for each of the atributes, and one for each combination of two. The 'subtle undertone' part of this is I want a coherent picture of the world this RP is set in, including the characters played in it.

(This part is a bit open to suggestion, I'm thinking out loud here
It would go something like:
Strength -> Cyborg
Agility -> Detective
Intellegence -> Technologist
Strength/Agility -> Mercinary
Strength/Intellegence -> Mad Scientist
Agility/Intellegence -> Ninja? I dunno, this was the hardest to think up.)

The tradeoff in being a hybrid is that all the rolls you make, and all the rolls against you are always going to be just the value of the dice. You can't do super-damage, but you can't be super-damaged either.

Now I still think people should make up their own abilitees, with a max of say, 5 Power Points (PP) like in Gar's thing. The class just gives people and idea of what abilitees they should invent, and make the characters all fit in this sorta roboty, detectivey, supetechnology univese.

As a thought just brought up in #fybertech, There would be a Group XP instead of EXP for every person, that way a player who was busy for weeks at a time (like me!~) could just adjust his character sheet to the new group level and jump right back in.

« Last Edit: February 27, 2007, 11:01:34 pm by Boris »
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Re: Fy-RP
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2005, 04:17:48 pm »
just some ideas on the story here:

I envision this as a rather fixed science (fiction) universe. Because I didn't totally invent the fybertech ideas, I can't fully control what goes on (unless we make a group decision otherwise) However, it should be obvious that magic characters won't fit very well here. I encorage you to think of the ingellece technologist folks as the mages of this RP, they have a lot of mental ability to make machines and man eating plants or whatever, and not much strength.

[16:24] <Borz> maybe we can have some sort of corperation that hires us and lets us use the cool jet
[16:24] <Deck> Sounds good, sort of a science fiction world?
[16:24] <Borz> yeah
[16:25] <Buzzard> I'm go for that
[16:25] <Borz> cyborgs and scientists and detectives
[16:25] <Buzzard> I'm keeping the Motercycle, though
[16:25] <FyberOptic> hmm, maybe the organization sends out memos of jobs to all "employees"
[16:25] <FyberOptic> and those interested can meet at the hq

[16:27] <Vito> but yeah I kind of had this general idear
[16:28] <Vito> where there's a mission one or more character could be the key charater
[16:28] <Vito> likeyou need to go to this town and fix this thinag and only like Boris is able to
[16:28] <Vito> so the rest would be protecting boris
[16:28] <Borz> I think mystery corporation with its 'jobs' and the Fybertech Universe is how I'm gonna spin this particular RP

[16:29] <FyberOptic> perhaps there's another company after the same items we're after
[16:29] <FyberOptic> hence recurring characters
[16:29] <Buzzard> That works too
[16:29] <Buzzard> even better
[16:29] <Buzzard> more story to it
« Last Edit: February 27, 2007, 11:02:13 pm by Boris »
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Re: Fy-RP
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2005, 04:37:21 pm »
An example character sheet: note the difference from Gar's: No individual XP, and I don't care about ATK and DEF modifiers, its all done by the dice rolls your weapons tell you to use. I don't have any hard and fast guidelines on anything, other than STR people should maybe have higher value weapons and more HP, and intellegence people should have more PP, agi people can take advantage of some of each. If you want to roll a hybrid, try to figure out a good mix for you.


Name: Boris
Class: Technologist (class 3)
Weight: 180lbs
Height: 6 ft

HP: 20
PP: 8

Pipe Wrench: standard 1d20 roll
Homemade Railgun: 1d25 roll, a roll of 5 or below causes the weapon to take a turn charging before it can fire.
Repair Kit: +10 HP to robots and body armours.
3 x Spare Parts

Absentmindedness - Boris loses a turn to wasting time thinking up some new technical idea, but gains a (1) PP in the process.
Deployable Turret (2PP + reagent: [spare parts]) - Boris creates a small deployable turret from [spare parts] that can take (1d20) damage and can do (1d5) damage a turn until its destroyed or the battle ends

A slacked who failed to get into a vocational school for tech wizzes after failing to attend his admission meeting due to being busy inventing something. Later met Fyberoptic and gained a basic understanding of alternative (super)technology which he usses in all manner of whacky schemes in the modern era.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2005, 04:39:02 pm by Boris »
<Armature> i just really want centaur Azula


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Re: Fy-RP (and Fy-RP charasheets)
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2005, 04:43:40 pm »
My idear for a continuing story is a main company/organization that has hired people for a particular goal, which allows such differing types of people to be involved.  They're hired to possibly try and find an item or a group of items or info, and the rp'ers go from place to place after this central goal (also allowing for sub-plots).  That way if people weren't playing an rp a particular time, they could have been left in the last location and just "catch up" with the group at a later point.  There might also be a rival organization which is after the same goal, allowing for recurring characters and enemies.


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Re: Fy-RP (and Fy-RP charasheets)
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2005, 11:20:56 am »
I choose the AP and DP modiefers and added a flat out basic attack becuase people in the old one kept giving bigger and bigger weapons to each other.  I started with a 1d20 knife for my character and somewhere along the way I got a 1d50 rifle.  I practcally murdered anything that got in my way, friend or foe~

Myabe Sniper class for Agility/Intelligence?  Agility for quick shootings and Intellegence for mind focusing on shooting?
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Re: Fy-RP (and Fy-RP charasheets)
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2005, 02:53:34 pm »
I already know what class i am


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Re: Fy-RP (and Fy-RP charasheets)
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2005, 04:03:26 pm »
I don't like the fact that classes are situated on one or two stats.


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Re: Fy-RP (and Fy-RP charasheets)
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2006, 01:19:01 pm »
I made up some names for class type combinations. I also tried to make combinations make more sense by having an attack class and a defense class, which combines into a overall class.

According to this chart, a detective or ninja/spy would both be an equal match for a warrior, but a detective would be better at attack and a spy/ninja would be better at defense. However, a detectie would generaly be better than a ninja/spy against a commando.

I also tried making a system where each class type has a basic, attack, defense, and advanced version of itself. Plaers will get a certain amount of class points to put in the various classes and subclasses, and this determines what abilitys they can have, and how well they do them. However, you can'thave more points in the attack or defense subclass than in the basic suclass, and you can't have more points in advanced subclass than either your attack or defense subclass, whatever you have less of. When attaking, if you had more than one class, you would choose what kind of attack you do. You should probaly choose your defense at the sae time you do your attack, so you have to use the same defense agaisnt every attack for the rest of the round.


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Re: Fy-RP (and Fy-RP charasheets)
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2006, 03:51:33 pm »
I actually like the cut of your chart's jib. It's not exactly what I had in mind, a bit more complicated than, even, but highly cool. The kind of thing that might make a neat basis for an engine. The thing is, you can do paper rock scisors with this in a way. Their attack type vs your defense type and vice versa. That way there is always a 1/3 chance you'll be better, worse, or the same, for both offense and defense.
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Re: Fy-RP (and Fy-RP charasheets)
« Reply #9 on: February 27, 2007, 11:03:37 pm »
bumpo, for Deck's benefit.
<Armature> i just really want centaur Azula