Author Topic: Dreams  (Read 17175 times)


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« on: December 26, 2006, 05:38:23 pm »
After poking through the nightmares thread on this forum, I figured I'd make a thread about plain ol' dreams, for one because I never have nightmares, and two because (good) dreams are superior and will not push or shove you down the stairs.

So yeah, I have a lot of lucid dreams, which are the kind where you're fully "awake", if you will, within the dream. These last me hours and sometimes I have a hard time convincing myself I'm out of it when I finally wake up...!

One that really struck me was one that I had about six months ago. I found myself on a massive cliff. I couldn't see the base or the top, due to cloud cover. It was easy to climb around and I don't really ever remember being afraid of falling or anything. It was actually fairly peacable on the cliff. It was a long time before I found anybody, and even then it was only one person, who was staying in a kind of cave. I can't remember the person's gender or appearance, but I do remember that because I had never seen anyone before, this person was very interesting, especially how s/he would move around and do various things. We had a sort of love relationship and would make contact, but never in a sexual way.

The dream went on for a long time, and I can't remember it ever ending, but gradually I shifted back into reality, and I was very confused and disappointed. I've thought about writing a novella based off of the cliff idea, but I never got around to it.


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2006, 06:02:42 am »
I had an interesting dream a couple of nights ago when sleeping in the strange bed at my grandfolks place. It was a sort of space age academy on Earth, and it was a pretty normal school dream except for the other guy hanging around with me and this chick being a Protoss. I'm not sure if there was some thing going on and we had adventures or what, but it was pretty cool having a huge supertech psychic alien to run around with for a while.
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Re: Dreams
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2007, 01:10:59 am »
Now I can't recall it completley and not qutie new but meh, so any way it was with old England and such and some detective type of fella. It's a bit like Sherlock Homes 'cpet wtih magic like things. With a hellboy type of view kind of thing.

Now the most I can attualy rember of it was some woman he loved on on a ship and she is a wearwolf, something attacking the ship a bunch of guys or sorts, it was one of many ships to be attacked but then sent back to England right on tis mainland some how, and not even a peice of damage to the ships no signs of crew or passengers, just skulls carved on the doors. So the call in the detective (No name for this guy never poped up im my dream and yes I attualy dreamt it.) and...thats when it gose blank. I'll tell ya if it ever pops up again. Oh and this gives me another idea of a topic.

-And should Fyber read this I acidently hit notifiy didn't mean to sorry.-
I LIVE AGAIN! When was my last post any way?


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2007, 05:33:36 pm »
The night before last night, I had a dream where I was in some relative's house (no where specific, just "relative's house place" although I deed get a feel for the general shape of the building), and I was playing a sonic game on what seemed to be a combination of the Genisis and the N64. Anyway, I then went to play the game in a different part of the house, but because of some setting I changed on the console there I ended up playing some kind of secret level was ramoved from the game, where you played as a robot with extendo-arms and a sonic imager/range finder for a head. Then the game changed into some Power Rangers thing where everyone was on parasail-like things, except they were on a monorail like thing embedded in the floors and walls, and they had these triangular energy things insetead of sails.


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2007, 04:26:04 pm »
I had a dream last night that one of my teeth shattered.
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Re: Dreams
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2007, 05:41:38 pm »
Over the past week I had a dream about driving down the street in a small cardboard box, a dream about trying to shave my head, and another dream where I was naked in public but nobody noticed.


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2007, 09:56:33 am »
Put your damn pants back on!
One day, when the zombies rise and destroy humanity; I will survive, I will live on, I will take your best stuff for myself.


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2007, 08:49:52 pm »
I had another video game gased dream, this time it was a Warcraft game on the Wii, and I was a tournament with 46 or 47 players on two of the four races and the same amount plus one on the other two. I had no idea how to play, but apparently you started out with a bunch of troops near a tower and went out to fight the other players. I guess that was it, except near the end it seemed ot turn into more of a first person thing. Also, I accidently attacked my own tower, because for some reason attack was the default right click action for everything, except maybe ground.

I've noticed that a lot of the dreams I've had about games seem to involve combining elements from different games. Also, I just realised that I have no idea how you would "right click" a Wii remote. Maybe you press the + button.


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2007, 09:35:52 pm »
I had a dream two nights ago where I found myself in an expansive, torus-shaped building. There were a lot of other people there too, some of them people I knew. Everything in the building was really old-looking and bulky. There was a coin-operated drinking fountain, and when someone try to put a coin in it to make it work, I saw through a window that a whole bunch of coins fell out the other side and rolled all around the room. At one point I had a bag of chocolate candies that all turned blue when I shook the bag. I had a white textured carrying case to carry the bag of candy around in for some reason. I tried to show people how the candy would turn blue when i shook it, but nobody really paid attention. It was very strange.


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2007, 05:21:14 pm »
I has such a 4chan dream about two days ago.

Me and Souseiseki(that's the one with blue clothes and the top hat, not the Desu~) are walking on the beach looking for fossils, apparently a T-rex skull and this giant shell thing are just sticking out of the sand.  Our conversation is mainly that she has found a new place to live and got a catalack car(for some reason this spelling usage was used, instead of Cadillac) and about 50,000 in the bank but still needs to find a job.  Then O SHI- Its a lion!  and we have to run to that catalack car(which actually looks more like a Thunder Bird Model).  Once we get in we drive away, dream over.
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