Author Topic: Nightmares  (Read 18842 times)


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« on: November 06, 2006, 03:42:50 am »
Because everybody needs more rambling by me that would be borderline spam by anybody else: It's the nightmare topic. I'm just gonna paste a log because this was all much fresher when I was talking to Deck about it.

[02:24] <Boris> god
<Boris> you know how they say don't eat a bunch of hallowwen candy before bed b/c nightmares
<Boris> true
<Boris> intimate detail this one
<Deck> Ouch
<Deck> I mean ouch at nightmare not my pic
<Boris> it starts out as me and some inditerminate other goin down the road
<Boris> and I'm playing a game where I'm shooting down on rails missiles, sorta like star fox
<Boris> only as we're going along the levels are getting thicker, like at first it was a bridge road over water, but then its a field, then a thick jungle
 <Boris> at the third level, Brad, Worm, and Chimpo are driving a cheap white car playing the antagonists
<Boris> and on the 4th level theres this whole jungle tribe theme where we're supposed to switch to foot
<Deck> Antagonists? I'm not familiar
<Boris> enemies
<Boris> bad guys
<Deck> ya k
<Boris> so I easily overpower the first enemy tribe guy, and take his giant wooden club
<Boris> but at this point I'm pissed at the other guys for playing against us
<Boris> so I fucking smash the shit out of Brad's driver side roof and door and everything leaving like a cartoon dent in the way
<Boris> with the club
<Boris> and whoever 'we' is get back in my car and speed into suburbia
<Boris> flying past stop signs and shit
<Boris> and hide in a random apartment complex killing the lights
<Boris> but somhow about 2 minutes later, for no reason we can fathom they catch up!
<Boris> it's scary they're tracking me without explaination
(note that they're having to comically drive from the passanger seat leaning across because of it bein smashed up)
<Boris> so I power the car real quick and speed the hell home
<Boris> and of course they're there again, but we decide to reconcile, I know I shouldn't have smashed the car, but Brad knew they were being dicks playing against us way back in the first game
<Boris> trouble is I owe him $200 for the smashed car
<Deck> D:
<Boris> I pay the first 100 out of cash though, and he gives me a birthday check lost in the mail from some great aunt I don't have
<Boris> which lets me cover the rest shortly
<Boris> but I still feel weak and exhausted afterward
<Boris> anyway then I woke up
<Boris> peed + got a long water drink then came here to tell all
<Deck> Let me cheer u up w/ pictar
<Fyborg> 4GET:
<Boris> heheh
<Yutz> har
<Deck> O shi-
<Fyborg> 4GET:
<Boris> yeah
<Boris> majora's mask is appropriate
<Boris> Anyhoo, I was kinda hoping Fyber would be here
<Deck> Frown, he left not long ago
<Boris> since he'd like that Brad is somehow the bad guy in my dreams + I smashed his car
<Boris> maybe Fyber was the other guy driving around with me, who knows
<Boris> I was kinda hazy on that part
[02:36] <Boris> that would make it all one crazy shit paralell for dawn of war

As nightmares go I guess it ended decently, but I still don't like being out $200 bucks + a general atmosphere of fear and exhaustion. Hard to describe that part in words, it's just a feeling in the pit of your stomach.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2006, 10:15:37 am by Boris »
<Armature> i just really want centaur Azula


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Re: Nightmares
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2006, 06:52:16 pm »
I have two really terrible nightmares, both have been reocurring.

WARNING: These dreams are VERY disturbing.

1) I am in my neighbors house, there are four men trying to hurt this woman, well I go Die Hard on them and beat the hell out of them.  I grab the womans hand and start to run with her, only to end up in the kitchen alone, the 4 guys are standing before me with guns in hand (think that scene in Robocop) they all start shooting at me.  Unlike most dreams I do not wake up, I feel every bullit that enters me, eventually falling to the floor, the leader of the 4 comes forward and puts a gun in my mouth saying "Time to end this game", pulling the trigger.  I still don't wake, I wastch blood and brains pooling for about 5 minutes.  When I wake I cannot move for about 5 minutes, I feel where every shot pumped into me, I have a dull headache.... it eventually passes.

2) I am surrounded by darkness.  then a light appears before me, 4 of my closest friends are bound and kneeling, a voice tells me I must choose how and what order they die in.  I plead for thier lives only to have a sword stabbed into my shoulder.  I fall to my knees and watch in horror as my friends beg me to save them.  However I can't, I watch them die one by one... finally the man turns on me, killing me, I awake and my arm is useless and in pain for almost all the day.
One day, when the zombies rise and destroy humanity; I will survive, I will live on, I will take your best stuff for myself.


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Re: Nightmares
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2006, 07:25:34 pm »
My only really recurring nightmare, if I even still consider it as such, is that pesky tornado.  I hadn't had the dream in a few months now, but basically it involves me looking outside or being outside, and seeing one form, or already be formed during a storm, and me staring at it, amazed that I'm finally seeing one for real.  And that's the thing, in the dream I always think it's real this time and not a dream like before.  I don't know if I'm particularly scared by the dream though, since I find tornadoes fairly interesting, and would actually like to see a real one one day in my life.  Just not anywhere close enough to cause any damage..!  But yeah, it's a dream I've had many many times, in various scenarios, but mr tornado is always the star.


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Re: Nightmares
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2006, 08:33:39 pm »
All my nightmares seem to be horrible Mexican Standoff - Saw types where I find myself in a situation wherein my actions would either hurt me or others. IT IS SCARY.


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Re: Nightmares
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2006, 09:33:04 pm »
I once had a dream where that girls fromThe Ring, F.E.A.R, and The Grundge are coming towards me in a creepy house in the middle of a desert. I run outside and go off into the desert. I look behind me and see those three are catching up to me, when all of a sudden they appear right infront of me and jump ontop of me and start clawing and biting me and making ungodly noises. I then hear a snapping noise and my body goes limp.

Another is kinda creepy to me.

It starts out with me over at my friends house because they are gone and i'm looking after it. All of a sudden, I hear a knock and I answer it, to find Err (i'm serious) and some other dude push me out of the way and basically make hell of things. I then say that this place is haunted and they don't belive me, so I take them upstairs to the attic (which is my friends room also). I then say some weird sounding words off the top of my head and tell them to get out. They start laughing their asses of and they head to the living room, when I hear "OH GOD ITS THE MONSTER THING!" I then start laughing because I think that they are screwing with me. I then hear (and i'm also serious) creepy sounding music and a very large shadow at the door. I then, in RE4 style, jump out the window and I think I got away. I then see the shadow in the kitchen and the music starting up again. I then run home and during that time, it becomes night. I then think I lost it and go to sleep. However, I soon feel a very large pressure of my chest making it's way to my face. I then wake up before I see the creature's face. My mind don't need what I can think up.


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Re: Nightmares
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2006, 10:57:37 pm »
I once had a dream where that girls fromThe Ring, F.E.A.R, and The Grundge are coming towards me in a creepy house in the middle of a desert. I run outside and go off into the desert. I look behind me and see those three are catching up to me, when all of a sudden they appear right infront of me and jump ontop of me and start clawing and biting me and making ungodly noises. I then hear a snapping noise and my body goes limp.

I once had a dream where that girls fromThe Ring, F.E.A.R, and The Grundge

The Grundge



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Re: Nightmares
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2006, 11:02:57 pm »
Sino's trying to say that he didn't like the movie.


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Re: Nightmares
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2006, 11:03:39 pm »
I really didn't though.


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Re: Nightmares
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2006, 11:54:08 pm »
Oh Jesus. I had two short bad parts a few nights ago.

I was in this new house and I'm walking around and I find the master bathroom. It goes 3rd person and I'm wearing a dress for some reason. I walk around it and my sister is in the bathtub with her throat slit.

This other dream I was in a house not unlike from Courage the Cowardly Dog. Wait, I'm outside sitting in a car after driving around. Then I'm lying in bed and there is this face in my TV, I try to say something but nothing comes out. And the TV advances I think, but only a little. I finally yell "I REBUKE THIS NIGHTMARE IN THE NAME OF JESUS!" and it's not bad anymore.

<3 Jesus~!
[01:31] <@Boris> cross-dimensional lesbians sounds like a porn I'd rent


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Re: Nightmares
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2006, 12:46:53 am »
I'm watching Nightmare on Elm Street and fall asleep in the middle of it. In my dream i wake up still thinking im awake. So I walk out of the bedroom door into the boiler room and Freddy starts chasing me around. Then that damn ghost kid from the grudge shows up. He eats Freddy then goes after me. The kid stares me in the face and opens his mouth and out comes that cat noise he makes. Then I wake up. That kid is freaky.
I'd rather go hunting with Dick Cheney, then go for a car ride with Ted Kennedy.Neuf sed.


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Re: Nightmares
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2006, 09:05:08 am »
Cat kid > Freddy