Author Topic: RPGlog: A box of peanuts  (Read 12789 times)


  • lolwut
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RPGlog: A box of peanuts
« on: May 29, 2006, 12:23:46 am »
[22:06] * Prox has joined #rpg
[22:06] * sets mode: +nt
[22:06] * Armature has joined #rpg
[22:06] * Prox sets mode: +v Armature
[22:06] <@Prox> all light then
[22:06] <+Armature> i dunno if i even have a sheet anymore!
[22:06] <+Armature> +
[22:06] <+Armature> ..
[22:06] <+Armature> .
[22:06] <+Armature> .
[22:07] <@Prox> +++
[22:07] <@Prox> so okay
[22:08] <@Prox> a detective guy in Delta City calls you up in the middle of the night and tells you to meet him at a warehouse
[22:08] <@Prox> there's been a break-in
[22:08] <@Prox> when you arrive at the warehouse, there's a guy in a black suit standing there.
[22:08] <@Prox> a light rain is falling
[22:08] <@Prox> ---
[22:09] * +Armature looks up at the sky
[22:09] <@Prox> good evening
[22:09] <@Prox> or good morning
[22:09] <+Armature> Could be a good night too.
[22:10] <@Prox> I had to call you down here because none of the other detectives took the night shift
[22:10] <+Armature> That's fine, I get calls like this alot
[22:11] <@Prox> i'm glad you're not mad
[22:11] <@Prox> anyways
[22:11] <@Prox> as you can see, the door to this warehouse has been forced open
[22:11] * @Prox walks into the open warehaus
[22:11] * +Armature follers
[22:12] <@Prox> there are boxes stacked everywhere
[22:12] * @Prox looks closely at the ground
[22:13] <@Prox> there's dust on the ground, but not enough to make any footprints visible
[22:13] * @Prox sighs and rubs his eyes
[22:13] <+Armature> Looks that way.
[22:13] <@Prox> [you see a square shape on the ground where there is no dust]
[22:14] <@Prox> [i think they call it a "void"]
[22:14] <@Prox> [yeah]
[22:15] <+Armature> What did ya have herE?
[22:15] <@Prox> hm
[22:15] <@Prox> i'm assuming it was a box
[22:16] * +Armature rolls eyes
[22:16] <+Armature> What was in the boxes?
[22:16] <@Prox> i really don't know
[22:17] * @Prox looks at the side of one of the boxes
[22:17] <+Armature> Can you phone in who owns this placE?
[22:17] <@Prox> sure
[22:17] <+Armature> And help me capping my last Es?
[22:17] <@Prox> surE
[22:17] * Deck has joined #rpg
[22:18] <@Prox> sup dack
[22:18] * Prox sets mode: +v Deck
[22:18] <+Armature> You haven't missed much, fill my friend in mr...?
[22:18] <@Prox> Prox.
[22:19] <@Prox> [whodathunkit]
[22:19] <@Prox> anyways
[22:19] <@Prox> we're in a warehouse
[22:19] <@Prox> there's been a break-in
[22:19] <+Deck> Ooh
[22:19] <+Deck> Ahh
[22:19] <@Prox> we're looking for clues
[22:19] <@Prox> it looks like whoever broke in took one of the boxes
[22:19] <+Armature> So, phone.
[22:19] <+Deck> Accursed box thieves
[22:19] <@Prox> yeah, phone
[22:19] * @Prox calls
[22:20] <@Prox> Hello.
[22:20] <+Deck> When will they know the damage they do? One family will not be able to hold or ship something
[22:20] <@Prox> Yeah.
[22:20] <@Prox> Hmm.
[22:20] <@Prox> Okay.
[22:20] <@Prox> Bye.
[22:20] <@Prox> Peanuts.
[22:21] <@Prox> These boxes are full of little packages of Planters (tm) peanuts.
[22:21] <+Armature> ...
[22:21] <@Prox> but that's not all
[22:21] <+Deck> But they represent fresh taste!
[22:21] <+Armature> How man-oh alright
[22:21] <@Prox> the guy also said that the organized crime often uses this place for other goods
[22:22] <+Armature> Deck, open a box
[22:22] <@Prox> and as you know
[22:22] <+Deck> >open box
[22:22] <@Prox> Delta City has organized crime.
[22:22] <+Deck> >eat contents
[22:23] * +Armature slaps deck on the back of the head
[22:23] * @Prox walks around to the back of the warehaus
[22:24] * Buzzard has joined #rpg
[22:24] * Prox sets mode: +v Buzzard
[22:24] * +Buzzard jumps out from the shadows
[22:24] <+Buzzard> sup guys!
[22:24] <@Prox> omgwtf
[22:24] * +Armature grabs Buzzard, shakes like salt
[22:25] <@Prox> hey, look over here
[22:26] <+Buzzard> so I hear we're looking for peanuts or something
[22:26] * @Prox points to the back door, which has also been forced open
[22:26] <@Prox> well
[22:26] <@Prox> yeah
[22:26] <@Prox> it's still stolen property
[22:26] <@Prox> but there might've been more stolen than just peanuts
[22:27] <@Prox> let's go to out of the warehouse
[22:27] <+Buzzard> kk
[22:27] * +Buzzard walk walk walk
[22:28] * +Deck straps himself to mets, sleeps
[22:28] -Buzzard:+#rpg- so where in RPG land is this, anyways
[22:28] * +Armature explodes
[22:28] * +Armature i mean follows
[22:28] <@Prox> delta city
[22:28] -Buzzard:+#rpg- kk
[22:30] <@Prox> i'm bakku
[22:30] <@Prox> sorry about that
[22:30] <@Prox> so yes, outside
[22:30] <@Prox> [it's raining a little harder now]
[22:31] <@Prox> [the ground has turned to mud]
[22:31] <+Deck> good lord they stole a rain machine!
[22:31] <@Prox> >roll eyes
[22:32] <+Armature> I thought you were napping
[22:32] -Buzzard:+#rpg- just for further reference I have my bike with me
[22:32] <+Deck> I talk in my sleep
[22:32] -> -@+#rpg- all light then
[22:32] <@Prox> it looks like there are wood splinters here on the inside of the door frame
[22:33] <@Prox> so, whoever stole the box, they carried it out this way
[22:33] <@Prox> wouldn't you agree sirs
[22:34] <@Prox> i'll keep talking
[22:34] <+Buzzard> maybe they carried out the box then broke it open
[22:34] <+Buzzard> outside
[22:34] <@Prox> they might've
[22:35] <@Prox> but I don't see the box anywhere around
[22:36] <@Prox> I do see some blatantly obvious tire tracks though
[22:36] <+Buzzard> could be from loading it onto a truck
[22:36] <@Prox> most probably
[22:37] <@Prox> if i know this area well enough, which I don't, those tracks are headed towards the marina
[22:37] * +Armature has been tapping chin all the while
[22:37] <+Buzzard> I'll follow them if you want
[22:38] <+Buzzard> be back in a very short time, prolly
[22:38] <+Armature> in your junk heap you mean?
[22:38] <+Buzzard> if that's what you want to call it
[22:38] <@Prox> i'm guessing your bike can't carry 4 people
[22:39] <+Armature> in your crappoop you mean?
[22:39] <+Buzzard> only seats one
[22:39] <+Buzzard> if that's what you want to call it
[22:39] <@Prox> i drove here
[22:39] <@Prox> i have a car
[22:39] * +Armature rolls off a long list of insults
[22:39] * +Buzzard keeps repeating the same thing
[22:39] <+Armature> p.s. your fly is down
[22:40] <+Buzzard> o shi-
[22:40] <+Armature> is winner (me) ^^
[22:40] <+Armature> So yeah anyways
[22:40] <+Armature> Let's pile in Proxo's car
[22:41] <@Prox> so somehow my car ends up in the noir-style alleyway behind the warehouse
[22:41] <+Buzzard> Can't leave my bike here, so I'll follow you guys
[22:41] <@Prox> kk
[22:42] <@Prox> so, we follow the tracks all the way to the docks
[22:42] <@Prox> or the wharfs
[22:42] <@Prox> or the marina
[22:42] <@Prox> or whatever
[22:42] <+Armature> pier
[22:42] <@Prox> that too
[22:42] <@Prox> there's a medium-duty truck sitting in front of one of the piers
[22:43] <@Prox> and the tire tracks lead right up to it...!
[22:43] <@Prox> there is a streetlight-style lamp on the pier which allows you to see two men carrying a box towards a rather large boat
[22:43] <+Armature> Welp
[22:44] * +Armature unhooks Deck, tosses him into the water
[22:44] * @Prox takes out one of those red police lights and puts it on Armature's head
[22:45] * +Armature makes siren noises and runs up to the men
[22:45] <+Deck> Zzzzzzzzz
[22:45] <+Deck> bubble bubbl
[22:46] -Deck- @+#rpg: I dunno my heart hasn't been in RP's lately
[22:46] -Deck- @+#rpg: So solly
[22:46] -> -@+#rpg- it's fine
[22:46] <+Armature> Excuse me sirs, but may I inspect that box?
[22:46] -Buzzard:+#rpg- brb
[22:46] <@Prox> "We've been seen!"
[22:47] <@Prox> "(other various criminalesque phrases)"
[22:47] <@Prox> somehow we end up fighting them
[22:47] <+Armature> Hey, my mother was a saint!
[22:48] -Armature:+#rpg- I'm out of practice, sorry
[22:48] <@Prox> i guess we'll have to wait for buzbar to get back
[22:49] <@Prox> and/or/maybe deck
[22:50] -Deck- @+#rpg: Don't wait for me
[22:50] <+Buzzard> back
[22:51] <@Prox> +++BATTURU+++
[22:51] <@Prox> alright
[22:51] <@Prox> Criminal 1 trun
[22:51] <@Prox> /punch (Buzzard)
[22:52] <@Prox> Results from 1d20: 15
[22:52] <+Buzzard> ouch
[22:52] <@Prox> criminal 2 turn
[22:52] <@Prox> /kick (Prox)
[22:52] <@Prox> Results from 1d20: 1
[22:52] <@Prox> shins of steel
[22:52] <@Prox> do i get a counterattack or something
[22:53] <@Prox> i can't remembar
[22:53] <+Buzzard> sure
[22:53] <@Prox> awright
[22:53] * @Prox tommy guns
[22:53] <@Prox> Results from 1d20: 14
[22:53] <@Prox> i'm going to say it's still a 1d20, even with our new hp level
[22:54] <@Prox> Army turn
[22:54] <+Armature> Results from 1d20: 4
[22:54] * +Armature clocks either guy for 4
[22:55] <@Prox> Buzzard turn
[22:55] * +Buzzard shoots criminal 1
[22:55] <+Buzzard> +2 AP
[22:56] <@Prox> oh right, you don't have dice
[22:56] <@Prox> Results from 1d20: 10
[22:56] <+Buzzard> yeah, I need to find something for that
[22:56] <@Prox> +2
[22:56] <@Prox> k then
[22:56] <@Prox> Deck turn? no or maybe
[22:56] <+Buzzard> give him 30 seconds
[22:57] <@Prox> cue Jeopardy theme
[22:59] <@Prox> welp
[22:59] <@Prox> crimeguy 1 turn
[22:59] <@Prox> /shoot (Armature)
[22:59] <@Prox> Results from 1d20: 16
[22:59] * +Armature spends some PP to halve dmg
[23:00] <@Prox> crimestyle 2 turn
[23:00] * +Armature takes 5 DMG
[23:00] <@Prox> /kick (Buzzard)
[23:00] <@Prox> Results from 1d20: 20
[23:01] <@Prox> holy steel-toed boots, batman
[23:01] * +Buzzard falls over
[23:01] <@Prox> Buzzard turn
[23:02] <+Armature> he's dead Jim
[23:02] * +Buzzard shoots criminal2 with a laser
[23:02] <+Buzzard> +3 AP
[23:02] <@Prox> Results from 1d20: 18
[23:02] <@Prox> + 3
[23:02] <+Buzzard> That's what you get, bitch
[23:02] <@Prox> and he's gone
[23:02] <@Prox> he falls over the side of the pier
[23:03] <@Prox> making a large splash
[23:03] <@Prox> b/c fat
[23:03] <@Prox> Armature turn
[23:03] <+Armature> Results from 1d15: 2
[23:03] * +Armature slaps at other guy
[23:03] <@Prox> i think I skipped my turn last time
[23:03] <@Prox> o wel
[23:03] <@Prox> prox trun
[23:04] * @Prox rattles the head of criminal man 1
[23:04] <@Prox> Results from 1d20: 2
[23:04] <@Prox> he's got a big head
[23:05] <@Prox> i'll skip deck's turn, i guess
[23:05] <@Prox> so, criminal 1 turn
[23:05] <@Prox> /wrassle (Prox)
[23:05] <@Prox> Results from 1d20: 8
[23:06] <@Prox> Buzzard turn
[23:07] <@Prox> alright, Armature turn
[23:08] <+Armature> Results from 1d15: 14
[23:08] * +Armature socks the guy full on the jaw
[23:08] <@Prox> he's deader
[23:08] <+Buzzard> oop,  missed my turn
[23:08] <+Buzzard> teaches me to pay more attention to venture brothers
[23:09] <@Prox> k so
[23:09] <@Prox> queso
[23:09] <@Prox> ---BATTLE OVER---
[23:10] <@Prox> and inside the box was...
[23:10] <@Prox> peanuts.
[23:11] <@Prox> and a few photostats showing checks from a "Mr. Colt" to that mob boss in Delta City
[23:11] <@Prox> whatever his name was.
[23:11] <@Prox> which is valuable evidence, i guess
[23:11] <@Prox> we could use it somehow
[23:12] <@Prox> and even if we can't
[23:12] <@Prox> ---RP OVER---
[23:12] <@Prox> alrighty
[23:12] <+Buzzard> xp dealings?
[23:12] <@Prox> yep
[23:13] <@Prox> the rules state that 5 xp is awarded for the killing of a (1) monster
[23:14] <@Prox> lemme figgure this out
[23:16] <+Buzzard> how much for surviving?
[23:16] <@Prox> i'll give everyone 5 xp for participating/surviving
[23:16] <+Buzzard> kk
[23:16] <@Prox> lessee
[23:16] <@Prox> criminal 1
[23:16] <@Prox> armature dealt 6 damage, buzzard dealt 12, and prox dealt 2
[23:17] <@Prox> no wait
[23:17] <@Prox> armature dealt 16 damage
[23:17] <@Prox> so, armature gets 3 and buzzard gets 2
[23:17] <@Prox> and for criminal 2
[23:17] <@Prox> prox dealt 14 damage
[23:17] <@Prox> buzzard dealt 16
[23:17] <@Prox> so, buzzard gets 3 xp and prox gets 2
[23:18] <@Prox> Armature: 8 xp
[23:18] <@Prox> Buzzard: 10 xp
[23:18] <@Prox> Deck: 5 xp
[23:18] <@Prox> Prox: 7 xp
[23:18] <@Prox> ok, show's over


  • lolwut
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Re: RPGlog: A box of peanuts
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2006, 12:39:14 am »
I don't know if we're still doing that rank thing, but if so, that was a Rank A adventure, 100 credits.


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Re: RPGlog: A box of peanuts
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2006, 08:10:24 am »
Damnit, I missed one. I'll need to visit chat more often.