Author Topic: RPLog: Deck Gets Wasted, Twice  (Read 12968 times)


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RPLog: Deck Gets Wasted, Twice
« on: November 19, 2005, 05:40:34 pm »
[20:41] <@Armature> +++
[20:41] <@Armature> The Variant walks in with a different folder and tosses it onto the briefing room table.
[20:41] <@Armature> Variant: A small town in the mountains is being assaulted by some man, his threat level isn't high enough to warrent a stronger team to be sent in so you all get the privallege of doing it.
[20:41] <@Armature> Variant: Your objective is to neutralize the Target and if possible bring something of his back.
[20:41] <@Armature> Variant: If you'll excuse me I have buisness to attend to.
[20:41] <@Armature> He activates a portal and walks out
[20:41] <@Armature> ---
[20:41] <+Prox> wak!
[20:41] <+Prox> he sure moves fast.
[20:42] <+Kurisu_Murei> O...kay?
[20:42] <+Prox> so, uh...
[20:42] * +Prox looks at the location marked in the folder
[20:43] <@Armature> Some mountain town, in the mountains called 'Pio'
[20:44] <+Kurisu_Murei> Hmm...
[20:44] <+Deck> How will we get there?
[20:44] <@Armature> [He actiavted a portal for y'all to use]
[20:44] <+Deck> I said, in my best dora the explorer voice
[20:45] <+Prox> ...wet's go to in the portal.
[20:45] * +Deck backflips into the portal
[20:45] * +Prox goes to in the portal
[20:45] <+Deck> HOOHOO!
[20:45] * +Kurisu_Murei dashes to the portal
[20:45] <@Armature> +++
[20:45] <@Armature> As expected the mountain town is small and such.
[20:45] <@Armature> It seems to be quiet minus the people milling about the market.
[20:45] <@Armature> Where is the so-called attacker?
[20:45] <@Armature> ---
[20:45] <+Deck> [ACTUALLY YES]
[20:46] <+Kurisu_Murei> [No. You have a plan.]
[20:46] <@Armature> [sends boss in right now]
[20:46] <+Deck> [uses x-potion to kill instantly]
[20:46] <+Prox> [lafflafflaff]
[20:46] <+Kurisu_Murei> [No good. Boss isn't undeads
[20:46] * +Prox slaps the RP into position
[20:46] <@Armature> [too bad he's not a zo-wait no]
[20:47] <@Armature> Yeah, market place, people milling
[20:47] <+Kurisu_Murei> Okay, we need to keep a close eye out for our objective...
[20:48] * +Prox stops someone and asks them if they've seen a guy attacking
[20:48] <@Armature> Man: What? No you're the first visitors we've gotten since that nice young man moved in
[20:49] <+Prox> who's this nice young man?
[20:49] <+Kurisu_Murei> Hmm...Maybe we could meet with him, if we could find out where he is...
[20:49] <@Armature> The elderly man taps his chin a few times and points to the tavern
[20:50] <+Deck> it's always the tavern, isn't it?
[20:50] <+Prox> great place.
[20:50] <+Deck> ehh the music drones on
[20:51] * +Kurisu_Murei starts to head over to the tavern
[20:51] * +Prox follows
[20:51] * +Deck follows closely, mocking their movements
[20:51] <@Armature> As you get closer to the bar you hear tinkling ivories
[20:51] * +Prox stops suddenly, causing Deck to run into him
[20:51] <+Deck> USE A BATHROOM
[20:52] <+Deck> ivories and their tinkling
[20:52] <+Deck> get it?
[20:52] <@Armature> [i-i peed]
[20:52] <+Deck> [you better stop GMing and change]
[20:52] <@Armature> [I WILL PRASS OHN]
[20:52] <+Prox> so, how about that piano player.
[20:53] <@Armature> You enter the tavern to spy no barkeep, a piano player and some lady onstage
[20:53] <@Armature> Besides them it's empty
[20:54] <@Armature> The piano player glances with disintrest and the lady is setting up a stage for something
[20:54] * +Deck takes a seat
[20:55] <+Kurisu_Murei> Something's about to happen here, and maybe the guy we're looking for may also come to see it...
[20:55] * +Prox asks the woman what's going on
[20:55] <@Armature> Woman: I'm just setting up the stage for tonights festivities
[20:56] <+Prox> how fun~
[20:56] * +Prox goes and sits down
[20:56] * +Kurisu_Murei goes and sits down as well.
[20:56] <@Armature> [Bar or table?]
[20:56] <+Kurisu_Murei> [20:56] <+Prox>
[20:57] <+Kurisu_Murei> [Where are you going to sit, Deck?]
[20:57] <+Deck> [20:58] <@Armature> After sitting and watching for a few minutes a man walks in, goes behind the bar and bends over doing something with the bottles
[20:58] * +Prox tries to see what he's doing
[20:59] <@Armature> His back is towards you
[20:59] <+Deck> I miss chimpo
[20:59] <+Prox> ASCUSE ME SIR
[20:59] <@Armature> Altough he is a small man you can't see around him
[20:59] <+Deck> He would be flicking pennies on the back of his head right now
[20:59] <@Armature> He leaps in suprise and fright
[20:59] <@Armature> Guy: OH GOD
[21:00] <@Armature> He pats at his chest and turns towards the golem
[21:00] <@Armature> Guy: yes?
[21:01] <+Prox> What were you doing, right then...?
[21:01] <@Armature> He toes the subject of his attention under the bar and replies "This is my bar, I do what I like"
[21:02] <+Prox>
[lol, I'm not one to handle situations well]
[21:02] <@Armature> Guy: Can I get you something or can I continue what I was doing?
[21:03] <+Deck> [I'm really tempted to do something dumb right now]
[21:03] <+Prox> I'd like a shot of Bailey's.
[21:03] <+Prox> [same...!!]
[21:03] <@Armature> He grabs some unmarked bottles, mixes them and pours them into a shotglass
[21:04] * +Prox hurries and looks at what he pushed under the bar while he's doing so
[21:04] <@Armature> *UPPERCUT*
[21:04] <@Armature> Results from 1d10: 9
[21:04] <@Armature> He got his fist under the glass and cracks you in the jaw
[21:04] <+Prox> ...ouch.
[21:05] <@Armature> Prox, gimme a d10 for perception
[21:05] <+Prox> Results from 1d10: 10
[21:05] <+Prox> HAW
[21:05] <@Armature> There was a box with bottles with some mysterious liquids in them
[21:05] <+Kurisu_Murei> Noticed something?
[21:05] <@Armature> and a few rags around the box
[21:06] <+Prox> chloroform...?
[21:06] <+Deck> Why are we ever interrogating this man?
[21:06] <@Armature> He picks up an opened bottle and sets it on the table
[21:06] <+Prox> [i dunno.]
[21:06] <@Armature> It's dark blue and he tells you to drink it
[21:07] <+Prox> I'm sorry for my previous actions, sir.
[21:07] <+Prox> But i'm actually a teetotaller.
[21:07] <+Prox> plus, bailey's is coffee-colored...!!
[21:08] <+Deck> Don't turn down a free drink Prox
[21:08] <+Prox> It's not what I asked for, that's for sure.
[21:08] <@Armature> Barowner: You better drink it or I'll bring in the Sherrif
[21:09] <+Prox> of course, I'll still pay you for it.
[21:09] <+Deck> I didn't know you had money
[21:10] <+Prox> apparently I've got 200 dollars.
[21:10] <+Deck> Let me mooch off you~!
[21:10] <+Kurisu_Murei> No, Deck. No.
[21:10] <+Deck> Man I'm trying to hard to fill Chimpo's shoes
[21:11] <@Armature> BarOwner: Last chance to drink before I bring in Herrick!
[21:11] * +Deck drinks it
[21:11] <+Prox> [it's not poison, is it.]
[21:11] <@Armature> Deck, even though he may not have a stomach, or sense of taste is overwhelmed by the magical alcohol!
[21:12] <+Deck> OoooOOOOOoooOOOhhhh hell
[21:12] <+Kurisu_Murei> Hoo, boy, that's some systems interference!
[21:12] <+Deck> prox
[21:12] <+Deck> prox
[21:12] <+Deck> prox
[21:12] <+Deck> porrrrroooooooooox
[21:12] <+Prox> w-what
[21:12] <+Deck> I love you
[21:12] <+Deck> Do you love me?
[21:12] <@Armature> [runs to get camera]
[21:13] * +Prox folds his arms uncomfortably
[21:13] * Joefus has joined #FyHunt
[21:13] <Joefus> hello
[21:13] * Armature sets mode: +v Joefus
[21:13] <+Deck> *sing-song* I know you doooooooooooOOO`
[21:13] <@Armature> [Someone fill 'im in... Blazeman can do it]
[21:13] <+Deck> hey barman
[21:13] <+Deck> hey
[21:13] <+Deck> hey
[21:13] <+Deck> hey barman
[21:13] <+Deck> hey
[21:13] <+Deck> hey
[21:13] <+Deck> hey barman
[21:13] <+Deck> hey barman
[21:13] <+Deck> hey
[21:14] <+Deck> hey
[21:14] <@Armature> BarOwner: Ya like it?
[21:14] <+Deck> NoooooooooOOOOO
[21:14] <+Deck> I love it
[21:14] * +Deck gets behind the counter clumsily
[21:14] <+Deck> Let me sake some stuff
[21:14] <@Armature> BarOwner: Made it myself, no no!
[21:14] <+Deck> I walways wanted to be a connosueeer
[21:14] <+Kurisu_Murei> [We're in a small town in a mountain, looking for some guy who's been doing bad things. And right now, Deck's systems are slightly screwed up, simulating drunkeness.]
[21:14] <+Deck> sake
[21:14] <+Deck> saki
[21:15] <+Deck> SHAKE
[21:15] <+Prox> SAKE??
[21:15] <@Armature> BarOwner: You have to wait till the festivalsad starts
[21:15] <+Deck> shake some stuff
[21:15] <+Joefus> [thanks blaze]
[21:15] <+Prox> like, Japanese rice wine??
[21:15] <@Armature> [They haint be screwed up, he's magically drunk]
[21:15] <+Joefus> Maybe he want's to shake his booty?
[21:16] <+Prox> Hey barkeep.
[21:16] <+Prox> I'll have one of what he had.
[21:16] * +Deck starts trying to shake an open bottle as if he were making a drink, but just ends up spraying liquids everywhere
[21:16] <+Kurisu_Murei> That'll be an image that will stay in my head for a while...
[21:16] <+Prox> [deck's the only one I could see doing that]
[21:16] <@Armature> BarOwner: I said you have to wait
[21:16] <+Joefus> [don't he explode when wet?]
[21:16] * +Deck pours the now empty bottle into an empty glass, and hands the empty glass to prox
[21:17] <+Deck> VERY GOOD SIR
[21:17] * +Deck salutes
[21:17] <+Kurisu_Murei> No more until the event start, it seems. And for a good reason.
[21:17] <+Prox> [i'm laughing too hard to type...!!]
[21:17] * +Prox eats the glass
[21:18] <+Joefus> umm....
[21:18] * +Kurisu_Murei pretends to act suprised
[21:18] <+Deck> Joefus Bond I believe
[21:18] <+Deck> Shaken not stirred?
[21:18] <+Joefus> how nice you rembered
[21:18] <+Deck> What gadgets you got todaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
[21:19] * +Deck lowers his head down to the bar as he says it slowly, eventually his face resting on the counter
[21:19] <@Armature> BarOwner: Take your friend to the Inn, the party will start in 2 hours, tell 'im I sent ya
[21:20] <+Joefus> not carrying him
[21:20] <+Kurisu_Murei> Team Lift it will have to be.
[21:20] * +Kurisu_Murei grabs hold of Deck's legs
[21:20] <+Joefus> oh fine.
[21:20] <@Armature> Deck falls off the counter
[21:21] * +Deck is pulled away from the bar, his face hits the floor comically
[21:21] * +Joefus grabs Deck's right arm
[21:21] <+Kurisu_Murei> Can you get the other arm, Prox?
[21:21] * +Prox does so
[21:21] <@Armature> [Deck, you get the other leg]
[21:21] <+Joefus> [lol]
[21:21] * +Deck holds his own leg
[21:22] <@Armature> You begin the trek out of the bar trying not to bang into tables and then people when outside
[21:23] <@Armature> AT THE INN, you drag the heavy slepping robut in as the owner watches in amusment
[21:23] <+Joefus> why must robots be so heavy?
[21:23] <+Kurisu_Murei> Because of heavy metal, perhaps?
[21:23] <@Armature> Innkeeper: May I help you kids?
[21:24] <+Deck> You can give me the penthouse
[21:24] <+Deck> We're on our honeymoon
[21:24] <@Armature> [Innkeeper: omg homos *shotgun*]
[21:24] <+Prox> b-but the Inn's only one floor.
[21:24] <+Kurisu_Murei> He's drunk himself silly.
[21:24] <+Deck> Don't stop carrying me, it feels good
[21:25] * +Joefus drops Deck
[21:25] <@Armature> [slaps PRox, try not to assume without looking]
[21:25] <+Joefus> oops
[21:25] <+Deck> My back is arched perfect-*thud*
[21:25] <+Deck> GODDAMN
[21:25] <+Joefus> Sorry Deck
[21:26] <+Deck> I'm still holding myself though, I'm a true friend
[21:26] <+Deck> Aren't I?
[21:26] <@Armature> Innkeeper: Well you kids can go into room 202, its vacant and you can rest for the next two hours
[21:26] <@Armature> She tosses some keys to Joe
[21:26] * +Deck slides on his stomach across the floor
[21:26] * +Joefus catch
[21:26] <+Joefus> which way to the room
[21:27] <@Armature> She points to the first door up the stairs
[21:27] <+Deck> THE FIRST ROOM IS ROOM 202?
[21:27] <+Kurisu_Murei> Downstairs, deck.
[21:27] * +Joefus slaps hand over Deck mouth
[21:27] <+Joefus> Let get him to the room
[21:28] <+Kurisu_Murei> Okay


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Re: RPLog: Deck Gets Wasted, Twice
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2005, 05:40:47 pm »
[21:28] * +Joefus grabs Deck's Arm and start pulling him up the stairs
[21:28] <@Armature> Alright, mini-game time?
[21:28] * +Prox helps
[21:29] * +Deck 's head bangs on each step
[21:29] <+Deck> *thump* ow
[21:29] <+Deck> *thump* ow
[21:29] <+Deck> *thump* ow
[21:29] <+Deck> *thump* ow
[21:29] <@Armature> Joefus and Prox roll d5's. Blazeman rolls 1d10. Deck rolls a d7.
[21:29] <+Deck> Results from 1d7: 2
[21:29] <+Prox> Results from 1d5: 3
[21:29] <+Kurisu_Murei> Results from 1d10: 7
[21:29] <+Joefus> Results from 1d10: 2
[21:29] <+Joefus> Results from 1d5: 3
[21:29] <+Joefus> [sorry]
[21:30] <@Armature> You somehow manage to get the very uncoopertive Deck up the stairs and into the room
[21:31] <@Armature> You all have a couch or bed to yourselves and such
[21:31] <+Joefus> so should we just leave Deck in the floor?
[21:32] <@Armature> [pries floorboards, stuffs Deck in there]
[21:32] <+Prox> gawd, i was gonna type that.
[21:32] * +Deck raps on floorboards
[21:32] <+Deck> da dump
[21:32] <+Deck> da dumpo
[21:32] <+Deck> lollll dumpo
[21:32] * +Prox goes crazy and confesses to the police
[21:33] <+Joefus> such a tell-tale-heart
[21:33] <+Kurisu_Murei> I take it that wasn't a good idea...
[21:33] <+Prox> of course we're just kidding.
[21:33] <@Armature> [You have 5 to 10 minutes to screw about or make a gameplan or chat or whateverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr]
[21:34] <+Prox> [welp, since we don't have a single idea of what's going on or what might happen...]
[21:34] <@Armature> [You can skip the 2 hours by vote btw]
[21:35] <+Kurisu_Murei> [Fast forward button?]
[21:35] <+Joefus> [I dunno what we'd do so I say skip]
[21:36] <@Armature> [Prox? Deck?]
[21:36] <+Kurisu_Murei> [will we need another one to say "Skip" for us to skip?]
[21:36] <+Deck> [I don't care either way]
[21:37] <+Prox> [it doesn't matter to me]
[21:37] <+Kurisu_Murei> [I say skip.]
[21:37] <@Armature> +++
[21:37] <@Armature> TWO HOURS LATER
[21:37] <@Armature> You all fell aslepp.
[21:37] <@Armature> You awaken to nighttime with lamps and such lit up outside
[21:38] <@Armature> Deck is no longer drunk, not even hung over!
[21:38] <@Armature> ---
[21:38] <+Deck> [Damn it, I was looking forward to a hung over bit]
[21:39] <+Deck> [I'll do it anyway]
[21:39] <@Armature> [it's magic]
[21:39] <+Prox> I could kinda see the hangover coming too.
[21:39] <+Kurisu_Murei> Looks like it's about time for whatever was scheduled to go on at the tavern.
[21:39] * +Deck walks into room with towel over shoulders, lowered head with an ice pack with warm water in it on his head, and hunched over a bowl of cereal
[21:39] <+Prox> = festivities
[21:40] <+Joefus> party times?
[21:40] <+Kurisu_Murei> perhaps
[21:40] * +Prox probably ends up dragging everyone to the tavern...?
[21:41] <+Deck> Never leave the universe without your trusty towel
[21:41] <+Deck> That's what the guide says
[21:41] <+Kurisu_Murei> Should we bring Deck along or will we just leaving him here.
[21:41] <+Kurisu_Murei> ?
[21:41] <+Joefus> bring him along
[21:41] <+Joefus> what harm can he do?
[21:41] * +Deck rubs hands fiendeshly
[21:42] * +Deck curls mustashe
[21:42] * +Prox gives Deck a pez dispenser
[21:42] * +Deck grabs it happily
[21:42] <+Joefus> ok lets go party time!
[21:42] <+Kurisu_Murei> Let's go!
[21:42] <@Armature> +++
[21:42] <@Armature> AT THE BAR
[21:43] <@Armature> It's got a fairly big crowd of buzzed patrons
[21:43] <@Armature> They are all starin at the stage waiting for whatever to begin
[21:43] * +Deck heads to the bar, and looks for the barkeep from before
[21:43] <@Armature> The piano is moved closer to the sta-DECK +++
[21:43] <+Deck> OOP
[21:43] <@Armature> >lasers, continues
[21:44] <@Armature> The bar owner is passing out the bottles of brue liquids
[21:44] <@Armature> ---
[21:44] * +Deck takes one, pockets for later
[21:44] <@Armature> [You just came in btw]
[21:45] * +Deck comes in, then takes one, then pockets for later?
[21:45] * +Prox does the same
[21:45] <+Kurisu_Murei> Looks like things are starting up here...
[21:45] <@Armature> ^_^
[21:45] * +Joefus comes in finds a table
[21:45] <+Joefus> to sit at
[21:45] <@Armature> Joe finds one near the stage
[21:46] * +Joefus sits
[21:46] * +Prox sits as well
[21:46] <@Armature> Joefus dies. I mean sits.
[21:46] * +Kurisu_Murei follows Joe and sits at a seat near him
[21:46] <+Joefus> [lol I feel a bond senerio from Live and Let die coming up]
[21:46] <@Armature> [CHANDALIEEEERRRR]
[21:47] <+Deck> [Dodjz]
[21:47] <@Armature> +++
[21:48] <@Armature> The lights dim
[21:48] <@Armature> The curtains roll open
[21:48] <@Armature> It's a small scene of soem woods
[21:48] <@Armature> From behind the trees comes a man
[21:49] <@Armature> He just stands there for a few moments for anyone realizes he came on stage
[21:49] <@Armature> Here he is basically:
[21:49] <@Armature> ---
[21:49] <@Armature> He's just standing there, breathing
[21:49] * +Deck waits for him to do his act
[21:50] * +Prox waits for something to happen
[21:50] * +Joefus waits too
[21:50] * +Kurisu_Murei waits for what happens next
[21:50] <+Prox> [I'm probably waiting for some violence to break out, given his sinister appearance]
[21:50] <@Armature> He looks over the crowd, his gaze stops at the group
[21:51] <+Joefus> [he's teh terminator lolz]
[21:51] <@Armature> He leaps off the stage and onto your table, easily crushing it
[21:51] * +Deck claps
[21:51] <+Deck> ONCORE!
[21:51] <@Armature> He grabs...
[21:51] <+Kurisu_Murei> Whoa!
[21:51] <+Joefus> SWEET JEBUS
[21:51] <@Armature> Results from 1d4: 4
[21:51] <+Prox> aw, shit.
[21:51] <@Armature> He grabs Prox and hurls him onstage
[21:52] <@Armature> He leaps after him
[21:52] <@Armature> +++ BATTARU +++
[21:52] <+Kurisu_Murei> [one-on-one?]
[21:52] <@Armature> Roll for dodge, d10
[21:52] <+Prox> Results from 1d10: 6
[21:52] <@Armature> You barely roll out of the way
[21:52] <@Armature> [You have to take a turn to get on stage]
[21:53] <@Armature> Turn Prox I suppose
[21:53] <+Prox> [so, I'm still on the ground, i guess.]
[21:53] <@Armature> [on the floor on the stage in the tavern]
[21:54] * +Prox bites his shin
[21:54] <+Prox> Results from 1d20: 10
[21:54] <+Prox> *nibble nibble*
[21:54] <@Armature> Prox gets a mouthful of metal
[21:54] <+Prox> I should've expected as much.
[21:55] <@Armature> Deck go
[21:55] * +Deck slowly sinks back into his chair, until he is on the floor and begins sneaking to the backstage
[21:55] <+Deck> [Will this take up my entire turn?]
[21:55] <@Armature> [Si]
[21:55] <+Deck> [k, I do it]
[21:56] <@Armature> Blrntman
[21:56] <+Kurisu_Murei> [Who?]
[21:56] <+Prox>
[21:57] * +Kurisu_Murei gets up out of his seat, pushes the chair in, and walks onstage
[21:57] <@Armature> Joefus?
[21:57] <+Joefus> [can I use my gun without getting on teh stage?]
[21:58] <@Armature> [If its ranged yeah]
[21:58] <+Joefus> [it fires electricity]
[21:58] * +Joefus pulls gun and fires at mystery cyborg man
[21:58] <@Armature> [You'll need 1d10 acc.]
[21:59] <+Joefus> Results from 1d10: 8
[21:59] <+Joefus> Results from 1d20: 19
[21:59] <+Joefus> +2 AP
[21:59] <@Armature> CRITICAL HIT
[21:59] <@Armature> Turn Cyborg
[21:59] <+Joefus> take that
[22:00] <@Armature> He uses: Red Gaze - 5 Fire a laser from an eye for a 1d10 dodge, 6 or less dodges. Failure to dodge rolls 1d35 DMG. Can be used only twice per RP.
[22:00] <@Armature> Results from 1d4: 1
[22:00] <@Armature> He targets Deck!
[22:00] <+Deck> Results from 1d10: 9
[22:00] <+Deck> Results from 1d35: 19
[22:00] <+Kurisu_Murei> [ hit!]
[22:01] * +Deck is brought down to critical health~!
[22:01] <@Armature> He shoots you in the face
[22:01] <+Prox> I wish Kari were here...!!
[22:01] <@Armature> Prox Go!
[22:02] * +Prox gets a scenery-tree and hits the cyborg with it
[22:02] <@Armature> d15
[22:02] <+Prox> Results from 1d15: 3
[22:02] <+Prox> needless to say, I'm not keeping the tree.
[22:02] <@Armature> He is unfazed
[22:03] <@Armature> Turn Deck
[22:03] * +Deck does a quick jig with the cyborg on stage, the in a finale tosses the magical blue alcohol into his face
[22:04] <@Armature> He grunts and wobbles slightly, it looks like he's been drinking this stuff for a while
[22:04] <@Armature> Turn BlaxeMan
[22:05] * +Deck goes to finish the joke, realises he doesn't have a pie to throw
[22:05] <@Armature> [DECK lost 2 COMEDY POINTS]
[22:05] * +Kurisu_Murei hits the cyborg over the head with the flat side of the blade
[22:05] <+Kurisu_Murei> Results from 1d20: 9
[22:05] <@Armature> [AP?]
[22:06] <+Kurisu_Murei> [+1]
[22:06] <@Armature> He's wobblin' a bit more but not by much
[22:06] <@Armature> Turn Joefus
[22:06] <+Joefus> [mr Deck you need health pack?]
[22:07] <+Deck> [ya plz]
[22:07] * +Joefus tries to throw health pack to Deck
[22:07] <@Armature> He gets it and your turn is over
[22:07] <+Joefus> [mai good deed for the day]
[22:08] <@Armature> [>shield]
[22:08] <@Armature> Turn Mysterious Man-borg
[22:08] <@Armature> Rocket Fists - 2 PP to rocket your fists at 2 opponents.
[22:08] <@Armature> Results from 1d4: 2
[22:08] <@Armature> Results from 1d4: 1
[22:08] <@Armature> Results from 1d5: 3
[22:08] <@Armature> Results from 1d5: 3
[22:09] <@Armature> Joe then Deck
[22:09] <+Joefus> D'GOO
[22:09] <+Deck> w-what?
[22:09] <@Armature> [No AP]
[22:09] * +Deck dies without chance to use health pack
[22:09] <@Armature> Turn Prox
[22:10] <+Kurisu_Murei> [Later A-rank]
[22:10] <+Joefus> I want that back
[22:10] * +Prox throws himself on the cyborg guy
[22:10] <+Prox> Results from 1d20: 3
[22:10] <+Prox> not a good day.
[22:10] <@Armature> He just stands there, and stares
[22:11] <@Armature> Turn Blazebert
[22:11] <+Kurisu_Murei> Deck is downed, so my goes!
[22:11] * +Prox cries a little
[22:11] * +Kurisu_Murei performs a jumping Power Strike
[22:11] <+Kurisu_Murei> Results from 1d30: 6
[22:11] <+Deck> [lolllllllllll]
[22:12] <+Joefus> [we're so dead]
[22:12] <+Kurisu_Murei> [Not so much luckberts here either.]
[22:12] <@Armature> He wobbles a bit from the attack but stays stable
[22:12] <@Armature> Turn Joefus
[22:13] * +Joefus aims charges (1pp) fires
[22:13] <+Joefus> Results from 1d10: 4
[22:13] <+Joefus> Results from 1d20: 8
[22:13] <+Joefus> +4 at what ever I hit
[22:13] <@Armature> Sorry, you needed higher
[22:13] <@Armature> Turn De-... Turn Cyborg
[22:13] <+Joefus> [can I set the stage on fire by accident?]
[22:14] <+Kurisu_Murei> [So you hit...Nothing. You Miss! Good Day Sir!]
[22:14] <@Armature> [Gimme another d10
[22:14] <@Armature> ]
[22:14] <+Joefus> Results from 1d10: 9
[22:14] <@Armature> WOOSH
[22:14] <+Joefus> [lollzz]
[22:14] <+Kurisu_Murei> [Toasty!]
[22:15] <@Armature> So yeah, Cyborg
[22:16] <@Armature> He rushes up to grapple Prox, your HP roll plz
[22:16] <@Armature> Results from 1d8: 1
[22:16] <+Prox> Results from 1d11: 11
[22:16] <+Kurisu_Murei> [O MAI]
[22:16] <@Armature> [+2 XP, do whatever you wish]
[22:16] <+Prox> d'gaw...?
[22:17] * +Prox places him on the ground
[22:17] * +Prox puts a foot on his body, pulls his head upwards
[22:17] <@Armature> d50, +10 bonus from Crit
[22:17] <+Prox> Results from 1d50: 13
[22:18] <+Prox> so, does that make 23?
[22:18] <@Armature> You don't rip off his head. but you cause 23 points of DP-less DMG
[22:18] <@Armature> --- BATTLE OVER ---
[22:18] * +Joefus rushes to deck's body
[22:18] <+Joefus> poor blue bot
[22:18] <+Deck> You just love my body don't you?
[22:19] * +Joefus takes back med pack
[22:19] <+Deck> PERVERTS
[22:19] <+Prox> Is there anything we can do?
[22:19] <+Joefus> ya of course
[22:19] <+Joefus> [can we heal him even if he's out?]
[22:19] <@Armature> [sure, whatever]
[22:20] * +Joefus uses Med Kit on Deck for =10 hp
[22:20] <+Joefus> +10
[22:20] <+Deck> hallo
[22:20] <+Kurisu_Murei> What shall we do about that flame onstage? Have Deck extinguish it?
[22:20] <+Prox> deck-kun, you're alive!
[22:20] <+Prox> or at least, functioning properly.
[22:20] <+Joefus> Yeah that was my fault
[22:20] <+Joefus> sorry everybody
[22:21] <@Armature> Since the battle is over you notice the crowd hootin and hollerin and clappin
[22:22] <+Deck> CATCH ME ON DECK.COM
[22:22] <+Joefus> we're famous!
[22:22] <+Prox> we are, we are.
[22:22] <+Kurisu_Murei> If someone promised you a hot time in the old town tonight, he kept his promise, alright!
[22:23] <+Prox> that sounds strangely erotic.
[22:23] <+Prox> BUT NO MATTER
[22:24] <+Joefus> how bout this cybrog?
[22:24] <+Prox> yeah.
[22:24] <@Armature> he is so nto moving
[22:24] * +Deck looks for some sort of production cerial number on him
[22:24] <@Armature> 002
[22:25] <+Deck> That could be anything
[22:25] <+Joefus> any thing else Deck?
[22:25] <+Prox> I'd better take the cyborg head, for further examination.
[22:25] <+Deck> JOEFUS, do you have some sort of link up to a click out database or something?
[22:25] <+Deck> Prox
[22:26] <+Joefus> you know cyborg means half human
[22:26] <+Deck> He's a cyborg
[22:26] <+Deck> Not a robot
[22:26] <+Joefus> you'd kill him taking his head
[22:26] <+Prox> i thought he was dead already...
[22:26] <+Joefus> yeah now let me give a good ol' scan of this dude
[22:26] <+Deck> plz this is a (semi) family friendly RP
[22:26] <@Armature> [He's really an android but I don't like using the word as much as Cyborg...!]
[22:26] * +Joefus switches down visor starts scan
[22:27] <@Armature> Mostly robotic, the technology seems super advanced, possibly better than what the Pinker could come up with...!
[22:27] <+Deck> Pinker? Like a commie?
[22:27] <+Prox> *o*
[22:27] <+Joefus> yeah
[22:28] <+Joefus> a Commie Kid
[22:28] <+Kurisu_Murei> Hey Deck, can you extinguish that fire over there?
[22:28] <@Armature> [Pinker = Click Out villain
[22:28] <+Prox> [yep.]
[22:28] * +Deck puts it out so fast it IS funny
[22:28] <+Joefus> [he wears pink thus the name]
[22:28] <@Armature> [Crowd throws cattle]
[22:29] <+Joefus> aahh super human strength crowd!!
[22:29] <+Kurisu_Murei> [OMG EWJ?]
[22:30] <@Armature> [Better do whatever else your gonna do b/c this RP is closing soon]
[22:30] <+Deck> [I'm done]
[22:30] <+Joefus> well I guess we're not gonna learn anything else outta this guy
[22:30] <+Kurisu_Murei> [I don't think there's anything else I need to do...]
[22:31] <+Prox> [I'd just look more foolish if I tried to do anything else lolol]
[22:31] <@Armature> +++
[22:31] <@Armature> YOU TAKE THE BODY
[22:31] <@Armature> YOU GET XP FOR IT
[22:31] <@Armature> MISSION RANK: B?
[22:31] <@Armature> --- RP OVER ---
[22:41] <@Armature> +++
[22:41] <@Armature> The camera zooms back to reveal a monitor in a dark room
[22:42] <@Armature> "Hmm.. so they got 02? No matter, his sisters can get revenge! Isn't that right girls?"
[22:42] * +Prox has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
[22:42] <@Armature> "Yes father, we can indeed..."
[22:43] <@Armature> Then the father does a manical laugh that every villain does
[22:43] <@Armature> teh emnd
[22:43] <@Armature> ---


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Re: RPLog: Deck Gets Wasted, Twice
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2005, 05:44:47 pm »


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Re: RPLog: Deck Gets Wasted, Twice
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2005, 12:18:49 am »
How much XP did everyone get on this one?


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Re: RPLog: Deck Gets Wasted, Twice
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2005, 12:18:39 pm »
[22:16] <@Armature> He rushes up to grapple Prox, your HP roll plz
[22:16] <@Armature> Results from 1d8: 1
[22:16] <+Prox> Results from 1d11: 11
[22:16] <+Kurisu_Murei> [O MAI]
[22:16] <@Armature> [+2 XP, do whatever you wish]


[22:31] <@Armature> YOU TAKE THE BODY
[22:31] <@Armature> YOU GET XP FOR IT
[22:31] <@Armature> MISSION RANK: B?

everyone gets 5 exp for body and prox gets a extra two for battle, I didn't see anything for anyone else so..

Deck +5exp
Joefus +5exp
Kurisu_Murei +5exp
Prox +7exp

That's it.
Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever.


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Re: RPLog: Deck Gets Wasted, Twice
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2005, 01:44:34 pm »
K cool.