Author Topic: XP Home Security Tab  (Read 12092 times)


  • King of Earth
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XP Home Security Tab
« on: March 28, 2005, 11:02:54 am »
Anyone who's used Windows XP Pro might have noticed that when you get properties on a file or directory, you have access to a Security tab, letting you set permissions for that file or directory for all the users on your system.  Well, XP Home users weren't so lucky, as Microsoft decided this was one of the few features they would "remove" in order to warrant charging you the extra $100 for the Pro edition.  Keep in mind that if you restart into safe mode in XP Home, you CAN access the security tab for files.  This proves that it's still in there, just hidden.  WELL HAVE I GOT A TRICK FOR YOU.

First, get your hands on a copy of scesp4i.exe.  You might want to ask your buddy Google for help on this one, since Microsoft has made this a little hard to find now on their own site.  It's the Security Configuration Manager for NT Server 4.0.  Basically, when you install it in XP Home, it unlocks the security tab somehow.  I don't know the details, I just know it works!

So once you download the file, run it to extract all the files.  Look for setup.inf, right-click it, pick Install, wait till it does its thing, then reboot.  TADA.  You should totally have the security tab available now. 

This is a "documented" trick across the net, so I doubt there's any side effects.  I hadn't noticed anything out of the ordinary from doing it.  Now if I could just find some way to unlock Remote Desktop . . !