Projects and Development > Programmerin'

Well... since there's no topics... let's make one... about QBASIC!

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Well whaddya know... there's a forum here for programming.

Which appears to be empty.

Let's make it not that.  Hence, for something people probably didn't see coming, time to make a topic for QBasic.  Anyone here know how to program in it?  Or any of the Basics (visual Basic, GWbasic, etc)?

I toy around with it every so often.  It's fun, and easy, and I can make really crappy text-based RPG's for no reason (like online MUDs).

But yeah... anyone else knowledged in QBasic?

One of the first real "games" I made was in QBasic.  I did it in text mode since I couldn't do graphics well on my old computer, but it was basically a command center thing along the bottom, and you shot up at ascii baddies that came from above.  I remember taking it to school for buddies to see once.  Perhaps I still have it on a disk somewheres.

Metroid Hunter:
The only games i can make are the ones on my TI-83 plus :P

Some guy actually requested a dirty version of the oregon trail so I made the playa trail

haw, I wanna play that

I made a RPG on my TI-83 Calculator...
I also made a snake game with Q-Basic

00 PRINT "Go QBasic!"
20 Goto 10


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